Multifunction DAQ

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I am trying to configure a E6024 and amux 64T card so that channel 1 is + or - 0.5 v (for cold junction compensation) and the rest of the channels have sufficent resolution to accurately read thermocouples.

I am current using labview 6 and have tried the command structure given in the manuals. What appears to be happening is that all of the channels default to the range setting on channel 0 leading to a lack of resolution on the remaining channels. When I introduce a voltage via a millivolt source, this seems to suggest that the range setting is too wide ( the card will read a voltage range far wider than that set when configured via VIs  in Labview)

Does anyone know of an examples of code that shows how to configure the card correctly?

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LabVIEW 6 had only Traditional DAQ support.

Are you using the 'AI Hardware Config' function to set the range of individual channel??


take a look at atttached pic to know where to find it on functions palette.

use the context help in LabVIEW, to understand how to use it

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