Multifunction DAQ

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from an external pulse HIGH/LOW write to a file

I am using the NI 6009 USB board. I have a module that produces two puls Ao0 and Ao1. I also tie Ao0 to the freqency input to get an accurate cout pf pulses. I have a second VI that monitors temperature and pressure at the same time. I have an internal clock on this VI. How can I sample the data at 9 second on time and 9 second off times?Then write to a file with a real time?. This is based on a 9 second pulse ON and OFF for 9 seconds.





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Hi Philip,

Unfortunately the USB-6009 will not allow for retriggerable analog input. Because of this the only other ways you can acquire analog data at various times will be to use software timing or to acquire everything continuously and then perform postprocessing to keep the data you want. If you were to use software timing, you could use a case structure inside the while loop to read at various time intervals. To perform the postprocessing, you can just acquire everything you want including the triggering signal on another channel. You can then use the trigger signal to gate your analog input of interest. Some more information about this can be found here.




Applications Engineer

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