Multisim and Ultiboard

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Combination lock design on multisim Help

Hello everyone i have started designing a 3 Combination lock on multisim using a series of D flip flops and gates. Im supposed to use a 2 position switch and and enter key to show it open and a reset key to reset the combinations. I currently ran into an issue of how i could use a yellow probe to stay on as long as the code is still currently being entered, for instance 2 correct combinations have been entered the last one hasn't. The next is how to make it so that when a wrong key is pressed in sequence with say 2 correct ones that it sendsasignal to the red probe meaning wrong code. i currently have it displaying a green probe when the correct keys are pressed but when there not the red probe or yellow probe just stays illuminated. Any input would help this is currently what i have designed "combinationlock" 


Here is the instructions given, If you see anything i need to change to follow the guidelines then please feel free to input. 

Im not looking for someone to do my project for me im looking for some helpful advice about what i have so far and how i should proceed. Thank you 


Design project: Using gates, design a digital combination lock to open a safe using 3 bits for the combination only one combination of bits should open the safe while rejecting all others. Use an Enter key, a 2 position switch and a reset key to control the process. The lock generates an unlock signal when the complete key matches the internal conbination. An Error light is illuminated if the key does not match the combination. Type Up a report explaining your process including your circuit using multisim. The Circuit should work on multisim. Use 2 LEDS to show when the safe will open and when it will not

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