Multisim and Ultiboard

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How to create a footprint from a hierarchical block for export from Multisim to Ultiboard.

I needed a power transformer with dual primary and dual secondary windings, but there was no such model in the database, so I created a hierarchical block utilizing two transformers with single primary and secondary wndings. The HB simulates correctly and I created a proper footprint in Ultiboard. However, I have problems exporting the new HB footprint to Ultiboard. If I try to assign the footprint while editing the HB, I get two transformers in the layout. If I don't assign any footprint while in the HB edit mode, exporting the netlist to Ultiboard results in no part in the layout.

I've tried a few different approaches without success. I'm using the Power Pro Edition version 10.1. Any ideas?

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Message 1 of 5



The best way is to simply draw your own schematic symbol, and link those pins to your footprint.

Use the 'create component' wizard and you'll see... it's only a few minutes work...


stressed user

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Message 2 of 5

Thank you stressed_user for your suggestion.


I did create a new schematic symbol using the Symbol Editor and assigned a previously created footprint to that symbol. That did allow me to forward annotate the schematic to Ultiboard with a proper footprint. The only downside was that I was no longer able to simulate the design in Multisim, as I could not get a proper working Spice model for the transformer with dual primary windings. Any ideas on where I could find or create a suitable model?



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Message 3 of 5



I can't help you on this one, I'm not really a 'simulator'. I do most jobs straight on the board.

I would suggest you make two schematics, one for simulation, and one for your routing...

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Message 4 of 5

That's what I have been doing, but it would be nice if I could have one master file that could simulate and export to layout.



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