Multisim and Ultiboard

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Missing components in my Ultiboard file when I transfer my Multisim file

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I am following this Introduction:


On the point


5. Part 😧 Transferring to PCB Layout


😎 Select Transfer»Transfer to Ultiboard»Transfer to Ultiboard 13.0 and save the netlist file. Ultiboard will open automatically


This window pop ups:


Components with no package will not be exported.
See the Results tab in the Spreadsheet for a list of these components.

Continue with transfer?


I press ok, and my Ultiboard fil opens.


My to resistors dont show up in the ultiboard file.


Any tips?



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Accepted by Matskk1994

By default when placing basic RLCs, there is no package assigned. The package contains layout information for Ultiboard. That is what the message you saw is telling you, that the list of components in the spreadsheet were not exported to Ultiboard because they had no package information. 


If you want to be able to transfer your RLC components to Ultiboard, you can choose a package when placing them down on the schematic:






Or you can add a package to a component you have already placed. Double-click the component to open its properties and click on the "Value" tab. From there you can edit the component's package and select one from the master, corporate, or user database:





Let me know if that helps.





National Instruments

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