09-12-2011 11:41 AM
Hi to all,
I have 2 PXIe7962R FlexRio. I need to exchange 1 boolean signal between the 2 board. I could do this wiring the bit using a wire on the adapter module but I'd prefer if exist something on the pxi connector,
There are same shared lines that could be used at this purpose on pxi bus?
Thank to all for any help.
09-12-2011 12:28 PM
In general PXI bus shares 8 lines which can be programs to use between different cards. Your board has following lines sharing on PXI bus:
PXI triggers, Clk10,
PXI star trigger, DStarA,
DStarB, DStarC, and
I believe you can use one of them.
Good Luck.
09-12-2011 12:37 PM
As Nasir said, you can use PXI Tiggers to send boolean information between FlexRIOs. To add these I/O to your project, right click on the FPGA Target in your project and select New»FPGA I/O. From there, you can select which signals you want from the New FPGA I/O Dialog Box. I would also suggest reading the help file on using FPGA I/O to see how you can achieve good performance with these signals.