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NI-DAQmx for myDAQ on Mac OS X Discussion

I have been using the myDAQ with my Mac using the various instruments with no issues until last week.  I am on OS X 10.11.4 and now I get the following error when I press "Run" on any of the instruments:

Error -200324 occurred at DAQmx Create Channel (AO-Voltage-Basic).vi:1870002
Possible reason(s):
NI-DAQmx is unable to communicate with the device. Make sure the device is
present in and accessible to the system, is not currently being reset, and is
not reserved by another driver such as Traditional NI-DAQ (Legacy).

Has anyone else had any issues when running the latest version of OS X?

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Message 11 of 37

FYI...I did a Time Machine restore to OS X 10.11.2 from a backup I had a couple months ago.  The myDAQ and all instruments worked perfiectly.  I then decided to test upgrading to OS X 10.11.4 to see if the myDAQ might work this time.  I tested the myDAQ right before upgrading and it worked great, then tested right after the upgrade and I got the Error -200324.  So it obviously has to be an issue caused with the latest OS X upgrade.

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Message 12 of 37

I use NI-DAQmx 15.0 on a MacBook and a MacPro, MaxOS 10.11.4 together with NI-USB 6008/9 w/o problems.

All fine here, and NI-DAQmx 15.0 has one major bug less than NI-DAQmx 14.0.

I'm driving the periphery directly with Objective-C, using NIDAQmxBase.h - calls.

One of the first calls is:

[self setDeviceName: @"Dev2"];

@try {

if (DAQmxBaseResetDevice([deviceName UTF8String]) != DAQmxSuccess) {// let's find out the "highest" device, as this is likely the NI6008/9

Perhaps this helps.

Best, Michael

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Message 13 of 37

Michael, I am having a problem with connecting to my NI-USB-6009 from with an objective C-based code I am writing. My OSX is 10.9.5 and I am using NI-DAQmx 14.0 on a MacBook Pro. I have written many different pieces of software for NI products and I am in the process of updating an older one that was written in Carbon (which worked fine with the 6009). I set up a simple test case for using the new framework but it fails. I am puzzled and in your last posting, it sounds like you know how to do this. For the Xcode project, I have both NIDAQmxBase and NIDAQmxBaselv as linked frameworks. Inside a simple method (that is an IBAction in response to a start button) I have the following first call:

error = DAQmxBaseCreateTask("", &gDAQtaskHandle);

This call fails (raises an exception) with the following error:

testDAQ1[6854:6f0b] -[AppDelegate setHandler:withData:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x10010e330

and the code stops inside of:

#70x0000000100016238 in LV_DAQmxBaseCreateTask ()

I seem to missing something on setting up calls to the framework. I can find no objective C example code that clarifies how to get this setup properly. Any help would be appreciated.


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Message 14 of 37

Dear Don:

Michael, I am having a problem with connecting to my NI-USB-6009 from with an objective C-based code I am writing. My OSX is 10.9.5 and I am using NI-DAQmx 14.0 on a MacBook Pro. I have written many different pieces of software for NI products and I am in the process of updating an older one that was written in Carbon (which worked fine with the 6009). I set up a simple test case for using the new framework but it fails. I am puzzled and in your last posting, it sounds like you know how to do this. For the Xcode project, I have both NIDAQmxBase and NIDAQmxBaselv as linked frameworks. Inside a simple method (that is an IBAction in response to a start button) I have the following first call:

error = DAQmxBaseCreateTask("", &gDAQtaskHandle);

This call fails (raises an exception) with the following error:

testDAQ1[6854:6f0b] -[AppDelegate setHandler:withData:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x10010e330

and the code stops inside of:

#7 0x0000000100016238 in LV_DAQmxBaseCreateTask ()

I seem to missing something on setting up calls to the framework. I can find no objective C example code that clarifies how to get this setup properly. Any help would be appreciated.

This sounds exactly like the problem that stumped me when I was switching from 13.0 to 14.0.

I have 2 suggestions. Either do a "dummy call" to DAQmxBase in main (yes, main.m!) like so


#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>

#include <nidaqmxbase/NIDAQmxBase.h>

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {


return NSApplicationMain(argc, argv);



My rationale from the error report was that the module was not (yet?) loaded, so the dummy call in man().

The other suggestion: move to 15.0, and the error goes away.

Bood luck with your projects, best, Michael


Prof. Michael Bach PhD, Eye Center, University of Freiburg, Killianstr. 5, 79106 Freiburg, Germany. <

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Message 15 of 37


Your help is greatly appreciated, and so quickly also. I've been playing around a bit since you answered. Your "trick"/hack with 14.0 worked but I decided that it was indeed best to use the most recent version and sure enough, the trick was no longer necessary. While data acquisition occurs, I now have to figure out how to work with the new objective C  version of multi-tasking. I had set up a pingpong buffer for continual acquisition in a background task on OSX 10.5 (and less) and while my NSOperations tasking works for all kinds of things, it chokes after a short while when working on NIDAQ related calls. I'm not sure what is going yet and so I have to work this through step-by-step.

At any rate, thanks again for your help.

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Message 16 of 37

Hello Luke,

I'm teaching a course where students are using MyDAQ on their own laptops. Recently, some have expreienced problems when upgrading to OS 10.11.6. Do you know when drivers for this OS will be available?

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Message 17 of 37

Hi JanValdres,

We do not know when the drivers specifically for 10.11.6 will be available. I am interested in hearing more about the problems your students are experiencing when upgrading their OS.

Have the students tried repairing/ reinstalling the drivers since their upgrade? Feel free to post or message me and we can discuss more.


Briana P.
Sr SW Engineering Manager | NI R&D
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Message 18 of 37

I am seeing the same behavior, error -200324 when I try to use one of the Test Panels (Analog Output for example).  I am running 10.11.6, fresh install of LabVIEW.

Installing all of this software for OSX was a bit confusing.  Alot of it isn't at the places you would think its at, the regular NI Downloads section.

I installed LabVIEW 2015, Control/Simulation 2015, Lego Mindstorms 2016, then NI-DAQmx Base  I thought I was done but my myDAQ was not seen by the tools installed in Applications->National Instruments->NI-DAQmx Base such as FWUpdate, lsdaq, mxbaseconfig.  So then I continued to google and saw I needed to install NI-DAQmx for myDAQ driver, and I was able to find it at the page   In any case, I installed, got the Systems Preferences panel, and the Test Panels but the Test Panels show the above error.  Self Tests passes fine, and it sees my myDAQ and reports Driver Version 9.7.0b4 and correct serial number. 

1. Does this version number (9.7.0b4) refer to the version of NI-DAQmx for myDAQ?

2. Is there any other software I should be installing for basic DAQ and LabVIEW functionality? any newer versions? 

3. I am concerned that the applications in Applications->National Instruments->NI-DAQmx Base such as FWUpdate, lsdaq, mxbaseconfig report "No NI-DAQmx Base USB Devices Found." when I click on "Refresh Device List".  Does anyone know what could be the matter?

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Message 19 of 37

Hi everybody,

I just found this discussion board and I am glad to learn that others use LabWIEW natively on MacOSX along with the available hardware driver support as well. I have been with LabVIEW since version 2.0 and never left the Mac platform ever since!

As for the myDAQ you need to install a separate driver called DAQmx for MacOSX. It's a downscaled DAQmx version just for that one myDAQ device to use it with LabVIEW for MacOSX. This particular driver was offered a few years back and I believe one of the reason was my somewhat desperate request for it.

I used it with LabVIEW2015 PDS on a MacOS 10.9. driven MBPro but I have not tried it on any newer system. Sorry I can't point you to a download site either but I suggest you search for DAQmx for myDAQ, MacOSX on the NI site.

I hope this may help to make it work

Happy wireworks


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Message 20 of 37