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NI LabVIEW Instrument Driver Development Studio 1.0 Discussion Thread

I'd like to introduce NI LabVIEW Instrument Driver Development Studio 1.0 which we've just released on NI Labs. This is a free tool that simplifies the development of LabVIEW instrument drivers by providing a single interface where you can utiltize SCPI templates, document multiple LabVIEW controls, and much more. For a more detailed feature list as well as the download for the tool just go here: NI LabVIEW Instrument Driver Development Studio 1.0

This thread is intended to foster discussion and provide an easy way to give direct feedback on the product to R&D and marketing. Please post any questions or suggestions here. Thanks!


Product Support Engineer

IVI/Instrument Drivers R&D

Message 1 of 13

This is going to be very popular

Kind Regards,
Thierry C - CLA, CTA - Senior R&D Engineer (Former Support Engineer) - National Instruments
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Message 2 of 13

Is this software compatible with FPGA third parties hardware?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 13

@GRR1, I suspect you are wanting something different.  This is for creating instrument drivers for 3rd party, usually SCPI-based, instruments.

I suspect you are asking about whether LabVIEW FPGA can target 3rd party FPGA targets, which the Instrument Driver Development Studio does not do.

Can you clarify what you want?  Perhaps explain what problems you are hoping to solve.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 13

Yes, it was my question. I thought that was possible to create/help  to implement a custom dll in order to do the interface between the third partie fpga board and Labview FPGA. Is there any way in the future this program does that?

Thank you very much for your answer.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 13

LabVIEW Instrument Driver Development Studio is meant for communicating with 3rd party instruments using NI-VISA writes and reads to send commands to devices over USB, GPIB, serial, ethernet (LXI), among other buses. This tool cannot communicate with FPGA targets but if you are looking for more information on FPGA related issues then here are some places to start:

NI Discussion Forums - LabVIEW

LabVIEW FPGA Idea Exchange

I hope this helps!

Lars L


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 13

I downloaded driver development studio but can not use it since display is corrupted (current resolution issues?)

How would I fix it?

I am using win7 and labview 11 sp1


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 13

Hey Vlad,

I sent you a message a while back but I haven't heard back so I wanted to follow up to see if your issue was resolved. When you say that the "display is corrupted", what exactly does it look like? Could you send me a screenshot of the display?

Also, what resolution is your machine running and is that the maximum resolution that it can use? Let me know and we'll take it from there. Thanks!

Lars Lindstrom

IVI/Instrument Drivers


0 Kudos
Message 8 of 13


I'm trying to get the IDDS running on my machine.

On launch I see a screen where I shall select a LabVIEW version (nothing in the list box - no options to choose from) and have a Go>> button to proceed.

If I hit Go>> the following message pops up:

"Error occurred!

Please check whether you have disabled the UAC in your os."

Setting UAC to any level from "ask for everything" to "never ask" doesn't help.

Running the Studio Launcher as admin also doesn't cure the problem.

Any idea why this is happening?

Many thanks in advance!


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 13

Hi Dear,

NI LabVIEW Instrument Driver Development Studio 1.0 does not support LabVIEW 2012.. So if you are running it on a machine with LabVIEW 2012 only, it will fail..

We are working on the ver 1.1 which added LV2012 support, it will come out soon(in two or three weeks).

Thanks for your attention!

Message 10 of 13