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How to log parallel test result using Teststand log function to database

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How can I log a test result from 4 duts tested in parallel  using Teststand log function to database


I am using Labview 2013, Teststand 2013 and Sequential model.


The test is done using a single digital board (pxie-6556). The 4 duts are connected to the digital board port and are tested in parallel.

Currently at the end of the test I have one report with all measurements, but I need 4 reports (1 report / dut)




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Message 1 of 24

Is there a reason you have chosen not to use the Batch or Parallel models?  Those will inherently give you 4 reports.



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Message 2 of 24

The reason to use sequential model is that I have only one board (pxie-6556) with one digital port (24 bits).
Each dut uses 4 bits. I send one command to this port and test 4 duts in parallel.

If I use the batch or parallel model I will not to be able to access the board resources in parallel.


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Message 3 of 24

With the Batch model you can have one thread only synchronization section to control your board.  Then each of the threads can take the appropriate measurements and generate different reports.


If you are stuck on the Sequential Model then you will need to modify the plugin or create a new plugin to handle multiple reports.


Let me know which way you'd like to go and I can give you some direction.

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Message 4 of 24

If I use the Batch model with one thread synchronization I will test one dut at a time. Since I have 4 duts it will increase the test time 4x.

I was wondering if is possible to use the batch model and in one test socket I will test the 4 duts in parallel and after I send the test results for the other three test sockets.


But batch model with one thread is in fact a sequencial model.
So I think the sequencial model with a plug-in to handle the report is a better choice.


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Message 5 of 24

It seems that you misunderstand how one thread only works.  You can have it set for only one step that gets executed in one thread.  All the other steps will execute in parallel.  This example demonstrates it beautifully:


It demonstrates setting the temperature on a temp chamber.  Which is a very common use of this functionality.  You don't want all the threads to set the temperature but you do want to talk to all the DUTs in the chamber simultaneously.


Give it a look and let me know if it makes sense.  If you are still not satisfied then we'll look at the plugin method.


I'm pushing for this one because I think in the end you will be more satisfied and that it will be a lot simpler to implement.

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Message 6 of 24

The MultiUUT is a very nice example for the batch model, but it does not solve my problem.

My test is similar to the "Set Chamber Temperature" but instead a single answer  "done"  I have 4 results (1 result / uut)


In the MultiUUT example the test socket 0 report show the "set Chamber Temperature" result and in the test socket 1,2 and 3 the test report show Skipped in the report.

My current test is: 1 hardware --> 1 command --> 4 uuts in parallel --> 4 results --> 1 report

My wanted test is : 1 hardware --> 1 command --> 4 uuts in parallel --> 4 results --> 4 reports

In fact the test has more then 30 commands and I will store all data in a database.


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Message 7 of 24
I don't think you are paying close enough attention to the example or how the batch model works. I have used it for multiple UUTs with a single hardware resources and it is definitely what you should be using. You will get 4 separate reports and all days will be saved to the database as a separate UUT.

Note that if your digital output is static, you can use a task for each UUT and use the batch or parallel model without worrying about setting the digital output in a single thread.
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Message 8 of 24

Unfortunately I am using the dynamic session (the UUT uses the jtag protocol)
So I can not use a task for each UUT.

Sure the batch model is the best way to generate 4 reports but the challenge is how to avoid increase the test time.

If I find a way to pass the test result from one test socket to the others the problem is solved.

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Message 9 of 24
Test time does not increase with the batch model. Each sequence runs in parallel. I have no idea where your misconception is coming from. You've apparently hacked together some sort v of parallel process with the sequential model and what's been said is to use the model that was written for parallel testing in the first place.
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Message 10 of 24