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[Group A] NIYANTRA 2013:Ask Your Mentor


     two of my team members including me have missed the second training session. We were informed that we could download the recording at " ". But we encountered a "could not find url " error. please help us in this regard.

Message 11 of 25

Hello sir,

Our project is related to development of Guidance system for obstacle avoidance for blind using Vision and ultrasonic senosrs.My doubts are

Can we use NI DAQ 6009 to interface Ultrasonic senors and servo motor ?

I had seen in NI forums that We cant interface Ultrasonic sensors to NI USB DAQ 6009 as it doesnt have two counters.If its true Then which other NI product can be used?

What is the procedure to loan the hardware sir?

Thank you

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 25


     I have found one of the example resources provided online by NI. I am facing a tricky problem. That VI reqires a version 5.1 system to be installed. In other websites which gave information about converting VI files to the requiered version, I learnt that for versions 6 and prior versions to be converted to usable versions, we need to contact NI. I have included the link to the resource as i was not able to attach the VI. I would be very greatful if you could convert the VI to a version which can be opened in the version currently being provided for the evaluation edition of labview.


     Secondly, I would like to know the exact steps and requirements involved in Hardware loaning.

Thank you.

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 25

abhi3393 wrote:

Hello sir,

We are finished with our layout and stetorgy of project. Now we are expecting loan facilities for hardware required. Suggest us the hardware needed to do serial communication and microcontroller application. We are willing to do our work as fast as possible but can't able to do that without the hardware because in LABVIEW we need to interface hardware first for any design.

Hello abhi,

Can you send me your project abstract and some detailed information so that I can suggest you the appropiate h/w required to complete your project.


Rahul C.

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 25


For servo motor related issues please refer .

For sensors related issue please go through

hope this will help you.


Rahul C

Abhi.lh wrote:

Hello sir,

Our project is related to development of Guidance system for obstacle avoidance for blind using Vision and ultrasonic senosrs.My doubts are

Can we use NI DAQ 6009 to interface Ultrasonic senors and servo motor ?

I had seen in NI forums that We cant interface Ultrasonic sensors to NI USB DAQ 6009 as it doesnt have two counters.If its true Then which other NI product can be used?

What is the procedure to loan the hardware sir?

Thank you

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 25


Yes use of Labview is must in niyantra contest.


Rahul C.

akshay1818 wrote:

sir is it neccesary to do pogramming & ckt designing for schematic in labview for niyantran contest cant i do it on eagle or keil software?

0 Kudos
Message 16 of 25


We will come back to you soon for the converted VI for your Labview version, please let me know which version have you installed.

Also you will receive a communication from Team NIYANTRA for hardware loaning details soon.


Rahul C.

abhinandan wrote:


     I have found one of the example resources provided online by NI. I am facing a tricky problem. That VI reqires a version 5.1 system to be installed. In other websites which gave information about converting VI files to the requiered version, I learnt that for versions 6 and prior versions to be converted to usable versions, we need to contact NI. I have included the link to the resource as i was not able to attach the VI. I would be very greatful if you could convert the VI to a version which can be opened in the version currently being provided for the evaluation edition of labview.


     Secondly, I would like to know the exact steps and requirements involved in Hardware loaning.

Thank you.

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 25

Hello abhi,

You need to re install it for using it in evaluation mode.



abhi3393 wrote:


My LABVIEW evaluation period has been expired. Kindly assist me what to do to further use LABVIEW.

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 25

Hello Akshay,

You can use NI 6009/NI ELVIS hardware which has Analog Input & output pins to interact with NI Labview.

As these are the Data Acquisition Devices they perform A to D & D to A operation on the signal you are willing to input or output in Labview system.

So first of all you have to select your Data Acquisition Device to interact with Labview.


Ashish D.

0 Kudos
Message 19 of 25


for online learning sessions please refer


Rahul C.

abhinandan wrote:


     two of my team members including me have missed the second training session. We were informed that we could download the recording at " ". But we encountered a "could not find url " error. please help us in this regard.

0 Kudos
Message 20 of 25