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[Group P] NIYANTRA 2013:Ask Your Mentor

This is the team-mentor interaction space for all the NIYANTRA 2013 teams belonging to Group P. If your team belongs to this group,this is the place you should be interacting with your mentors.

Make Sure You Read this Document Carefully Before Starting.

This group is being mentored by Mr Bharath Dev A V & Mr Nischala (National Instruments R & D)

Click here for the Group Allocation List

Message 1 of 32

Dear sir,

     As i am comes from group-p of the NI-YANTRA 2013 Batch. my NI-YANTRA 2012 project is based on the acqusition and comparing the irish of the human eye with the predefined eye pattern. based on that result, i need to process fruther. for that i have tried my level best,but i face lot of struggle in that. at present i prepared a lv code which sense irsh pattern(ROI) of the human eye.

     Now i want extract the sensed ROI pattern and compare it predefinend eye pattern.. so kindey help me to move next step of my project...

     NOTE: here i attached my lv code.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 32

dear sir,

          we need some hardwares for our project..please tell us what are all hardware components you will provide ..


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 32

Hi Shangar,

We will surely help you in getting you project to completion.

Before that, is it possible to give me the list of toolkits you are using so that I can install that as well? I am not able to load the code you have attached.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 32

It would be really helpful if you can explain the kind of hardware requirement. Can you provide a brief overview of the project that you are doing and the hardware that you need to accomplish that?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 32

thank you for your reply sir,

           our project is ADVANCED VOTING SYSTEM . for that we plannede to extract the irsh of the human eye , compare it with the pre defined eye pattern. if the irsh of the human eye matches the pattern in the data base the vote will be credited. other wise the message will be displayed as authority denied...

          in this project we developed a code which sense the eye pattern. now we have to develope the code to extract the sensed image and comprare it with predefined eye pattern, so kindely help us to complete this project....

tools used

labview 2012

vision acqusition and

vision developement module...

          waiting for your reply.....

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 32

  Dear sir,


              we are doing project name as "new generation home" uhder which  switching control based on voice commanding is major thing.Sir, is it interfacing of labview to MAtLAB is there?. we are facing problem while extracting feature (feature extraction of voice) we need your help here sir.Then  what about hardware sir? we need DSP, microcontroller, microphone and some other things, will ni provide or should we buy all those things?

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 32

dear sir ,

            whats is the procedure to send the hardware loan proposal , iam not getting the mail regarding that

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 32

Dear sir

     i would like to know if there is any other way to integrate matlab and labview other than mathscript method.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 32

Greeting sir,

Myself shankar, a final year student from easwari engineering college. Our team is working on a project named selfdoc. our aim to occur the ECG signals and process it and detect various arrthyimas automatically. The benefit of the project is it saves the time of physicians for processing and also we have implemented this project using PIC, which gives freedom for heart patient to move freely yet under constant monitoring. when something abnormal happens the abnormality along with the location of the patient will be sent through a SMS to the caretaker. Now we are going to replace the processing unit using the LABVIEW VI and the our confusion starts with the type of DAQ which must be selected for ECG signal acquistation. we found NI PCI MIO 16XE 50 and PCI 6023E can be used. we like to know your suggestion sir. Thanks in advance sir.

with regards,


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Message 10 of 32