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[Group P] NIYANTRA 2013:Ask Your Mentor

sir ,

we are doing thought controlled robotic arm for niyantra. we hav a eeg amplifier circuit we want to remove noise frm our circuit output bt thats nt happening can u help us

EEG Amplifier.png

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 32

Hi Sriki,

The project seems interesting. There is a node called MathScript node which can be used for the purpose. Did you try that?

Can you explain the problem that you are facing while extracting the features? It would be better if you can post the code (including the toolkits/modules that you have used). Meanwhile I will get back to you with the hardware query.



0 Kudos
Message 12 of 32

pls give us a link where we can find some info as to how to use biomedical toolkit for accquiring eeg signals, n processing it.

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 32

we are eagerly wating for your reply sir................ (we already post our doubt with our codeing)


          our project is ADVANCED VOTING SYSTEM . for that we plannede to extract the irsh of the human eye , compare it with the pre defined eye pattern. if the irsh of the human eye matches the pattern in the data base the vote will be credited. other wise the message will be displayed as authority denied...

          in this project we developed a code which sense the eye pattern. now we have to develope the code to extract the sensed image and comprare it with predefined eye pattern, so kindely help us to complete this project....

tools used

labview 2012

vision acqusition and

vision developement module...

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 32

Hi vars,

Did you check the online help on our website

If not, try out this link and let me know if you need more information.

Also, please let me know the place where you are stuck. (with the VI as attachment). If possible, we will try to help you out.



0 Kudos
Message 15 of 32


Sorry for the delay in reply. I am setting up the machine with required toolkits, and I will reply by tomorrow EOD.



0 Kudos
Message 16 of 32

Hi All,

For those of who want the hardware on loan, you will receive a communication from Team NIYANTRA on the hardware loaning details shortly.



0 Kudos
Message 17 of 32

dear sir,

our group is working on the project called "Routing lifts" and for the physical model what kind of motor is best among servo and stepper motor..

and how to control the motors using the lab view.

is there any module to display thigs on lcd ..

thank you

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 32

Hi Shangar,

I went through the code. Before going forward I had few questions,

  1. Do you have the database of the images to which you are suppose to compare?
  2. What mechanism are you using to compare the images?
    1. One thing to keep in mind while comparing the images - No two images taken at different point of times will be perfectly equal. You need to have some tolerance method. Use wither color distribution method or some other image comparison techniques.
  3. Where are you comparing images in your code. If not, that should be the core part of the project I guess.
  4. Please comment on the extraction technique so that I can understand that properly.



0 Kudos
Message 19 of 32


Can you post the LabVIEW code so that I can take a look at that



0 Kudos
Message 20 of 32