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How to create a backplane trigger

I'd like to synchronize a PXIe-6544 HSDIO module and a PXI-4132 SMU.  Specifically I'd like to start an SMU sequence once a HSDIO wavefrom has completed, and I'd like to do this through a PXIe-1078 chassis.  I am unfamiliar with the PXI modules and with executing this synchronization in LabVIEW.  I have been looking through shipping examples and have found plenty of triggered acquistion examples for the HSDIO or triggered measurements for the SMU module.  What I cannot find are examples of how to create the trigger.  The examples that I can find assume that a trigger has already been configured. 


The more I keep searching through the NI forums or NI.com I keep coming across more and more features that relate to triggering or synchronization, but not a clear example that is similar to what I am trying to accomplish.  I am not sure if I should be using NI-TClk VIs, using MAX to configure a trigger line, or if I should even be using the HSDIO lines to create a trigger.


Below are some of the forum posts that I have found that sort of point to what I am trying to do.






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Message 1 of 10



It sounds like you need to export a signal using the niHSDIO Export Signal VI to use as your trigger under a certain condition. The following documentation describes the different types of signals you can export to use as your trigger and the various output terminals you can use to send this trigger.



Mena S.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10

Hi Mena,


I was able to export a marker to one of the PFI lines.  Ultimately I would like to export a signal to one of the available PXI backplane triggers, but have not been to verify that functionality yet.  I found an example from ni.com that I could work from to test out generating a trigger.






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Message 3 of 10



You should just be able to set the "output terminal" input on the niHSDIO Export Signal.vi to one of the RTSI/PXI Trigger Lines. Have you tried that and run into problems? 

Mena S.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10

Hi Mena,


Yes, I was able to get the backplane trigger working.  Still using my previously cited example code for generating a trigger while using a script, I was able to change the output terminal parameter of the niHSDIO Export Signal.vi to PXI Trigger Line 0.  To be thorough, I should probably test out the other backplane triggers.  I expanded my example code to include generating a sequence with the PXI-4132 SMU based on the PXI Trigger Line 0.  I did use the NI-TClk VIs to based on another shipping example that I found where a HSDIO module was used to trigger another HSDIO module.  (Multi-Device Dynamic Generation and Acquisition-Source Synchronous (TClk).vi

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Message 5 of 10

With some further experimenting with my example VI, I am able to run the VI and generate a voltage sequence on the SMU.  However, I am certain that the SMU is not generating a voltage sequence based off of a sequnce.  The attached VI is a subset of my code.  I think that I have the SMU configured to generate a voltage sequence on the PXI backplane trigger 0.  However the VI executes no problem, including generating a voltage sequence (viewed on an oscilloscope), despite not having any code to generate the trigger.  There is clearly something that I am missing in configuring the SMU to generate a sequence based off of a trigger.  I would have expected an error when running my VI.

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Message 6 of 10



In Sequence source mode, the SMU will not wait on a Sequence Advance Trigger until after it has gone through the first measuring step. Is this the behavior that you are experiencing? If you would like the SMU to wait on a trigger before starting the sequence, you should configure a Start Trigger or Source Trigger, depending on where in the sequence you would like to configure the events. 


The following document contains a graphical representation of the various triggers and operation of the SMU in Sequence source mode.


Mena S.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

Hi Mena,


I would like to set up an instance like the 2nd figure (no Measure) from the Sequence Source Mode link that you sent.  I have added configured another trigger such that I have a Start Digital Edge trigger before my Sequence Advance Digital Edge.  I am generated 2 triggers on PXI Trigger 0 that are 1 sec apart.  However, the SMU does not generate a voltage sequence and the Wait for Event timesout from waiting on the Sequence Iteration Complete Event.  What other settings are needed to configure the SMU to trigger?  I could not quite follow the steps from the Sequence Source Mode link.  It seems like I might have to set some measurement parameter.  Is there a working example VI that follows the steps outlined in the Sequence Source Mode Link?

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10



It has come to my attention that you have an active service request with another Applications Engineer regarding this issue. I have collaborated with him on our progress thus far, and we will continue to assist you in getting your code up and running through that service request. For the benefit of the forums, when this issue is resolved, I will post the solution on this forum as well.

Mena S.
Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

Dear Mena,


I am also working with a NI HSDIO device on a similar setup (PXIe 6544). HSDIO should trigger a DAQ module (PXIe-6363) in a PXIe-1082 chassis via the PXI backplane. Could you post the solution please? 


My open thread is here: http://forums.ni.com/t5/PXI/Problem-sending-software-trigger-through-PXI-backplane-PXIe-1082/m-p/327...


Thank you!



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Message 10 of 10