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PXI rack devices seen but not working

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I have two PXI racks and two test PCs.

One set up is my development system and the other is a test sytem that is at a remote location.


Recently, I was experieincing problems with the remote PC and I brought it to my site and connected it

to my PXI rack. At that time, the PC would see all the PXI devices in NI-Max but would not measure when

accessed by its test stand seq file but the test panels worked OK.


Not sure what i did but it started to work and I set the PC back to the remote site. The site is now reporting

that the PC sees all the devices in its original rack but will not measure from the teststand seq. file that was set

up and running before.



PXIe NI-Max config.jpg


I am planning a trip to this remote site and am looking for suggestions of what to try.


Any timely helpful suggestions are gfreatly appreciated...






0 Kudos
Message 1 of 16

The first thing I would do is Tools->Reset Configuration Data.  This will clear out the database MAX uses.  Then reboot the computer and then set up your configuration as needed.

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Message 2 of 16

Thanks Crossrulz-


I will try that when I visit the remote site later today...



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 16

Hi robojeff,


If the device aliases across your two systems do not match perfectly, there is a chance your TestStand sequence is referring to the wrong aliases now.

Could you also provide some more information about how it isn't working?  Is it throwing an error?  If so, which error?





0 Kudos
Message 4 of 16

I am at the remote site right now and I am seeing problems with the

NI PXIe-6341 device.


For starters, why does the card also show up for this device in NI Max?



dco ni-max.jpg


The other issue is that I get the folowing error when I run a self tst on the PXIe-6341

which I suspect to be the problem.



dco ni-max2.jpg


I repaired the VISA 15.0 in the control panel programs section (Windows 7 32b system)


What else can I try?





0 Kudos
Message 5 of 16

Can you go into Services and verify that NI Device Loader has a status as "Started" and a start up type as "Automatic"?


I also did a search for that error and found a KB that may be helpful for you:


Why Is My DAQ Device Failing the MAX Self-Test or Generating Errors 88302 and 200486 in SignalExpress?



Also, is it just this card that is failing self-test, or are all the cards failing?




In regards to the failing sequence files, based on your screenshots, it looks like your aliases for your two systems are different.  For example, if the sequence file is referencing "PXI1Slot5", but it's actually called "PXI-4071" on the current system, that could potentially be a problem.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 16

It does seem odd that the card is showing up twice.  I would also recommend repairing PXI Platform Services and DAQmx.

You could also try that card in a different slot to see if you see the same behavior, or if it is specific to that slot.  


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 16

Thanks for the responses...


I was at teh remote site yesterday and could not get the issue resolved so I brought the rack and the PC back to my office to look at...


The 6341 is the only device in the devices listed in NI MAX that does not pass its self test.


So far I have powered down the rack, physically moved the 6341 PXI card to another slot, powered up the rack rebooted

the system and it still fails the self test.


I reset the configuration (deleted the database) and rebooted and this did not fix the problem.


I repaired the VISA and PXI platform services which didn't fix the problem so I uninstallled NI DAQmx and reloaded it but this didn;t help either.


This is what the devices listed looks like not and ther ein an additional problem with one of the devices as shown:

ni-max devices.jpg


I read in another post about stopping the MAX process and renaming the C:\program Files\National Instruments\Max\Data folder

but all I see on this PC is  a folder called data dictionaries...


Not sure what to try next...



ni-max  folders.jpg

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 16

OK, new developments...


I removed the PXIe-6341 from the remote users rack and put it into my development system's rack and used my development PC

and found that the self test runs just fine.


I then put the PXIe-6341 back into the remote user's rack and connected my development PC to that rack and the self test works

in this configuration.


So it seems that there is some corrupt driver or file on the remote user's PC and I am guessing that I am going to have to

uninstall and reinstall most of the NI software.


Does anyone have any suggestions of what I might try before going  to this extreme?


Thanks again for your help!

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 16

After totally wiping pxi services and NAQ Daq and updating these my NIMax looks like this:


Not much better.... Any suggestions will definetely help the weekend go beter




nimax now.jpg

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Message 10 of 16