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PXIe-8379 Documentation Request

Does anyone have a pdf manual for the PXIe-8379 that they can share?


Thank you!

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Message 1 of 9



I have one of these units but do not have the manual either nor does NI have it on the website. If you have a specific question about the PXIe-8379 I might be able to help. 



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Message 2 of 9



I have one of these units but do not have the manual either nor does NI have it on the website. If you have a specific question about the PXIe-8379 I might be able to help. 



Message 3 of 9

Can you confirm if its a Thunderbolt 2 interface? is there a PCIe mating card? What NI DAQ software versions support the PXIe-8379? Thanks!

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

It is a thunderbolt 2 interface.  You can add a PCIe thunderbolt interface to some PCs, however the motherboard must support thunderbolt. 


Many laptops now have a thunderbolt interface.  I have used this adapter to interface a relatively new HP laptop with Thunderbolt 3 to a PXIe-8379 controller:



There is no documentation on what drivers are supported or what chassis are supported, however I have been able to communicate to an FPGA card using LabVIEW 2020 SP1 and NI RIO 20.x.  PXI support drivers are also 20.x on my system.  I'm guessing that similar versions of DAQmx might be support but no guarantees. 


If you want a bulletproof solution you should go with a PXIe-PCIe MXI solution or get a PXIe-8301 interface if you have that interface already on your PC.  If you already have an 8379 in hand it will probably work as long as you have a Thunderbolt 2 interface or Thunderbolt 3 interface and adapter on your PC. 

Message 5 of 9

Hi any luck here? I am looking for documentation as well.

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Message 6 of 9

I havent had the time to try and set one up. I am still looking for documentation though.

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Message 7 of 9

I now have the card in hand but have a few questions regarding the cables. Would an Apple TB2 to TB3 adapter work just as well?

The chain goes as: PXIe<-->|TB2-TB3|<-->PC.

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Message 8 of 9

My NIMAX  shows no response when i plug my T2cable throug a T2T3adapter··· confusing

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Message 9 of 9