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Design Example: Brushed DC Motor H-Bridge Control PCB using NI Ultiboard and NI Multisim

Brushed DC Motor H-Bridge Control PCB Design and Co-Simulation using NI Ultiboard and NI Multisim


A DC motor H-bridge control circuit can be simulated in Multisim and LabVIEW using closed-loop analog and digital co-simulation, where Multisim’s SPICE engine simulated the analog circuitry of the MOSFET switches and the DC motor model while LabVIEW was used to simulate the control logic for the switching (including FPGA) as explained in this link.


The prototyping stage includes the deployment of the control code on NI CompactRIO and the prototyping of the PCB that includes all the electronic components using Ultiboard.


In this tutorial, the steps of translating the Multisim design into a PCB design are explained which has been fabricated by NI's partner, Sunstone Circuits, while the complete project page is available in the Desigcon 2012 publication here (updated URL).










0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

 If this is in multisim 14.3 and the working output so, send me the multisim file (Via Mali) with your output report

bro,pleasesend me the multisim file with the report please because I have project in college.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5


It appears that the whitepaper originally linked from the document above is no longer online at ni.com, but an archive version is available via the Internet Archive at this address:



For convenience, I've also created a PDF version (attached).

Message 3 of 5

Sir, Thanks a lot for sharing the PDF file but kindly mail me "Multisim" file(only the circuit not the PCB model required) on my Mail ID([email removed]) because I am not getting the answer(how to get graphs in Multisim)......


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

do you have a schematic or circuit of the driwing in multisim 

i have to do this it’s my project assignment

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 5