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I want to invite you to NIWeek 2016, Aug 1-4, Austin Texas. Here are highlights!

I want to invite you all to attend NIWeek 2016 the first week of August. My personal highlights are the Semikron 100 kVA converter cabinet and new GPIC reference design 2.0 code (demo video) and Tuesday night Power Electronics Meetup networking event. We will also have a keynote demo showing off a live A/B test comparison between a grid with traditional field oriented inverter control and Ethernet TSN synchronized/coordinated control, and a whole lot more.


Here is a summary of activities at the conference spanning power electronics control research, design, HIL-based simulation, prototyping, test and deployment.


Wednesday Keynote & Demo

Come see and hear about the latest advancements in distributed, time-synchronized inverter control. We can't say much now, but this work uses some of the latest technology in Time-Sensitive Networks (TSN) and Xilinx FPGAs involving several industry-leading commercial partners and the foremost US Department of Energy research facility. Come learn about and get on the leading edge of using this applied R&D!


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Special NI Week Event – Power Electronics Meetup at Semikron booth from 6:15-7pm Tuesday, Aug 2 during the party on the exhibit floor!

Grab a beer and come and meet other attendees from industry, academia and NI who are working in power electronics. This is an informal meetup for networking and getting even more out of your investment at NI Week. Let’s also discuss ideas for more Power Electronics at NI Week 2017 (our own Summit?). We look forward to seeing you there!


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Semikron – Booth #127 (www.semikron.com)

Joining us this year with their own booth (#127) on the show floor is Semikron - the world leader in power module stacks (37% market share in diode and thyrister modules and 51% market share in off-the-shelf power stacks) for mid-range power applications (2 kW to 10 MW). They will be showcasing their latest inverter control development and deployment platform (a full-size power electronics cabinet) that uses a NI CompactRIO Single-Board controller with GPIC, LabVIEW and LabVIEW FPGA with Floating Point Toolkit to enable the fastest development time with more intelligent inverter control. Semikron's applications spaces include motor drives, wind energy, solar energy, power quality, process and medical power supplies, and heavy equipment.


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SVTronics – Booth 238 (svtronics.com/NIPower)

SVTRONICS is an Electronic Design and Manufacturing services company. They developed, stock and sell a Semikron power stack to NI GPIC interface board, a3-phase research board for the NI GPIC and a power inverter board for MyRIO.


Alliance Partners:

OPAL-RT (Gold) – Booth 809c (www.opal-rt.com, https://www.ni.com/partners/s/partner/aDx3q00000000NfCAI/opalrt-technologies)

Founded in 1997 with the goal of “democratizing real-time simulation", OPAL-RT TECHNOLOGIES is the leading developer of open Real-Time Digital Simulators and Hardware-in-the-Loop testing equipment for electrical, electro-mechanical and power electronic systems. OPAL-RT simulators are used by engineers and researchers at leading manufacturers, utilities, universities and research centers around the world.


AT NI Week 2016, OPAL-RT will be highlighting the industrial successes of integrating their Xilinx FPGA-based simulation IP (eHS) into the NI platform, an example of which will be presented by an end user, SOCOMEC, during TS9690. With recent additions to the LabVIEW Tools Network, the eHS Solver is now supported on the Xilinx Zynq-based cRIO and Kintex-7 cRIOs, R-series boards and FlexRIOs.  OPAL-RT has recently been elevated to the Gold Level of the Partner Program and functions globally as the preferred integrator for power electronics HIL systems.  Additionally, OPAL-RT has started to deliver custom hardware and software configurations of the Grid Automation System for researchers interested in prototyping and small-scale deployment of grid-connected intelligent systems.


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Viewpoint Systems (Platinum) - Booth 838 (www. viewpointusa.com, https://www.ni.com/partners/s/partner/aDx3q00000000EYCAY/viewpoint-systems-inc)

At NIWeek 2016, Viewpoint Systems will be displaying their custom embedded systems solutions and promoting their integration of the NI GPIC for custom invertor applications. Some highlights worth mentioning are: Viewpoint recently designed a Mini-Scale (Semikron) SKiiP3 (power stack) Replica Power Converter Control Development System and have made this available for purchase; second, come see their technical presentations TS9943 and TS9944 (listed below) on developing FPGA and RT apps for power inverters and vector motor control (similar control algorithms); third, Viewpoint was a critical member of the team that developed the demo for the Wednesday keynote; fourth, Viewpoint is working on wind turbine inverter replacement (RePower) projects. Viewpoint is also a key provider of custom interface board design coupled with their world-class systems integration. 


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Technical Sessions of Interest / Relevance:

TS9385 -  Using PID Control in an FPGA 

TS9563 -  DCAF: A Framework for Efficiently Developing Robust Control Applications 

TS9635 -  Getting Started with NI Linux Real-Time 

TS9650 -  LabVIEW FPGA: Getting the Most Out of Simulation 

TS9652 -  Getting the Most Out of Your NI Linux Real-Time Target 

TS9729 -  Tips for Designing Carrier Boards and RMCs for the SOM and Single-Board RIO 

TS9746 -  Integrating C/C++ and LabVIEW on NI Linux Real-Time Embedded Hardware 

TS9752 -  Securing CompactRIO With NI Linux Real-Time and SELinux 

TS9824 -  Don’t Think You Need an FPGA? Think Again! 

TS9827 -  The Future of Standard Ethernet: Industrial IoT Convergence With the Control System 

TS9828 -  Time Synchronization and Deterministic Communication Over Ethernet With CompactRIO 

TS9655 -  Optimizing Performance in LabVIEW Real-Time 

TS9669 -  Introduction to LabVIEW for Embedded Systems 

TS9700 -  Advanced FPGA: Architecture for Distributed, Synchronized Control 

TS9704 -  Code Integrity and Software Licensing for Embedded Systems 

TS9903 -  Challenges and Solutions for Advanced Battery Management System Test 

TS9944 - Poles, Kt, Ke, mH, IQ, ID, SVM—Oh My!: Motor Alphabet Soup 


Energy Summit Sessions:

TS10868 - An Open Framework for Accelerated Grid Research 

TS9249 -  Advanced Real-World DMS Simulation Using the LabVIEW Actor Framework 

TS9549 -  Developing a Fast Mathematical Model Simulation Module for MicroGrids based on LabVIEW 

TS9591 -  High-Level LabVIEW Architectures for Outstanding Power Grid Measurement Systems 

TS9690 -  Using Cutting-Edge Tools to Test Firmware for Uninterruptable Power Supplies 

TS9787 -  Applying IIoT to the Smart Grid 

TS9923 -  Advanced Battery Test Trends and Technologies 

TS9943 -  More Than You Ever Wanted to Know About Power Inverters 


You can also visit the Embedded Control and Monitoring Pavilion in the Expo and learn solutions for applications including smart grid, asset monitoring, and smart machine control.


Additional Resources:

The NI Power Electronics Development Center (www.ni.com/powerdev)



A New System-Level Design Methodology and Platform for FPGA-based Power Electronics Control

Modernist Circuit Topologies & Transistors for Smart Grid Power Electronics

Power Converter Controller Design for Smart Grid Power Electronics

Power Electronics Co-Simulation with NI Multisim and LabVIEW


Recent Articles:

NREL:  Integration of a DC Transformer, Four-Leg Inverter, and Flexible Grid Input Into the Consolid...

NREL: Consolidated Utility Base Energy (CUBE) Performance Test Report


Training / Tutorials:

NI Power Electronics Control Design V Training Course

Example Code: Getting Started with the NI Single-Board RIO General Purpose Inverter Controller (GPIC...

3-Phase Back-to-Back Inverter Research Board with NI Multisim and the NI GPIC

NI LabVIEW and Multisim Co-Simulation of GPIC Systems

Guide to Power Electronics Control Application Examples and IP Cores for NI GPIC

Power Electronics Design with NI Multisim


Did we miss something on this list? If so, please reply to this thread to let everyone know about it!

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Hi Everyone,


With Brian's suggestions, I would like to add more on this thread to introduce ModelingTech and also invite you to the Booth of  #128.


(www.modeling-tech.com, https://forums.ni.com/t5/Power-Electronics-Development/FPGA-based-Arbitrary-Topology-Power-Electroni...)


ModelingTech is a NI partner which focuses on the power electronics control and real-time simulation, ModelingTech has developed a set of tools, especially StarSim FPGA, to enable users to real-time simulate the power electronics system on NI hardware.


ModelingTech has helped one of leading China wind turbine suppliers to use the HIL approach to test the converter controller of MW wind turbine, and this application has won the Cool Application Award of NIWeek 2016. 


At NIWeek 2016, ModelingTech will display how to control and simulate a PV system also a wind power system with NI GPIC and CompactRIO, come to booth 128 to learn more!


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Best Regards,


Kevin Wang | ModelingTech



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