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CRIO9045 Silverlight required in 2024!

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Hopefully this is the right forum, so please excuse me if its not.

I'm trying to bring up a cRIO9045 and came to Set Permissions in MAX 2024.

I get a web page demanding Silverlight, which has been obsolete since 2021.

What do I need to do here?

Is there a new version of file for the Chassis which does not need silverlight? 

Silverlight would NOT be acceptable due to our IT policies and security. 


Firmware version of Chassis is 24.5.0f133-x64


Thanks in advance Doug

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Message 1 of 5

If you use the Legacy CDF-based installation, the Web-Based Configuration page still uses SilverLight.

Use the Base System Image instead. It uses SSH for all configurations. See Software Installation Options for NI Linux Real-Time Controllers

Applications Engineer | TME Systems
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Message 2 of 5
Hi Doug, 

You should disable all the web monitoring and management on the cRIO to be secure- you can do this by uninstalling (or just not installing) the web features from MAX. Silverlight will be required to use the web interface.
To change the password and manage the cRIO, you will want to enable SSH in MAX and restart the cRIO. To connect, use putty or a command prompt/terminal. Type (no quotes): “ssh admin@192.168.x.x” then leave the password blank when prompted. This assumes you have the default login of admin and no password. Use the IP address of the cRIO listed in MAX. Once connected, type “passwd”  and hit enter. Follow the prompt to change the admin password. Most basic Linux commands are recognized.

Hope this helps,

Apex Waves Logo.png
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Message 3 of 5
Accepted by topic author DJAll

It sounds like you have an old version of base software installed on the cRIO-9045. You can try using the Hardware Configuration Utility (HWCU), and see if it recognizes the device and allows you to make changes.


As background, the HWCU is the eventual replacement for NI MAX. It has better support for configuring devices that require Silverlight in NI MAX (e.g. cDAQ devices). It is installed with current versions of NI System Configuration (NI MAX, etc.).


If the above does not work, download the latest version of the NI Linux RT System Image and install:


NI Linux RT System Image Download - NI



David C
Message 4 of 5

So I tried to use the Hardware Configuration Tool, which then prompted me to update some drivers.

After a bit of trouble with installation due to security on my system I've now managed to get fully updated and complete the login to the unit using a new RT System Image.


Thanks for the Support .

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Message 5 of 5