Real-Time Measurement and Control

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Is it possible to measure the CPU load in cRIO?

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I want to measure the CPU load in cRIO like the "Task-Manager" for Windows. In the menu of LabVIEW there is a point (tools > profil > performance and memory) where I should be able measuring the performance. I expect to get there the CPU load but I just measure some time and memory statistics.


I search for some solutions but I find just 2 possibilities: first the DSC Module but I do not have one, second the Real-Time Trace Toolkit 2.0 but my Firewall is blocking this Toolkit and I do not know how to change the settings of the Firewall.

However, is somebody able helping me with these problems or know somebody another possibility to measure the CPU load in cRIO?


Best regards, MS7.


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Accepted by topic author MS7

If you just want to observe it try opening the NI Distributed System Manager – and navigate to CompactRIO device (shown by its IP address). This will then show the CPU loading, and shows the relative size of the various priority loops.


If you want to access it within a cRIO application there is RT Get CPU Loads VI under the RT Utilities palette.

Consultant Control Engineer
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Message 2 of 3

Thank you very much for your reply.


That is exact this what I ask for.

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