07-14-2016 06:55 PM
That is a great answer to my question. Now that I see how to make my original plan work in sufficient detail, I wanted to also ask if there is a more natural LabVIEW way of adding a new sound to this workshop training example?
A challenge that I sometimes face with LabVIEW is that I will figure out a logical approach to implementing some kind of function that will turn out to be clunky, and most often there is a new vi to be discovered (somewhere) that does the optimal job of that particular function
07-15-2016 01:14 PM
Hi Jesse,
This thread has some alternate ideas about how to import data from a spreadsheet into an array constant. It's pretty old (2001!), but the general ideas described there are likely still valid, even if the VIs have changed names since.
On a side note, I hadn't really considered doing that until you asked- it sounds like it'd be a much easier way to create large arrays in the future. Thanks for asking such a good question!
07-19-2016 02:09 PM
Hi Kathryn,
Thanks for the link to the 2001 post. I think that shows the LabVIEW way to create an array constant is to write a vi that fills up an array, turn the array into a constant, then delete the rest of the vi, leaving the constant as a new entity. I hadn't thought of that!