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real-time desktop USB disk utilities problem

Hi, all,


I am experiencing a problem when I tried to use the desktop USB disk utilities to evaluate the compatibility of my desktop as the real-time target. When the desktop was booted from the USB, the screen stucks at "transferring control to user program" and at the upper-right corner it shows "KT02010". so anyone knows where is the problem?


Great thanks,





0 Kudos
Message 1 of 15



Here is the compatibilities for a desktop pc to be used as a Real-Time device 🙂


I hope this helps 🙂 im not sure why the usb disk utiity isn't working but I think this should get you going

Sam S
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 15



Thank you so much for your response and I figured out the problem which turns out to be the type of the hard drive.   Now I encounter another problem when I tried to excercise the simple example of a real-time project with two-loops-continuouis communication architecture ( this is the one in the "Getting started with LabVIEW Real-Time Module" ).  When I deployed the "", the download was completed with errors like "fail to download XDNodeRunTimeDep.lvlib:wakeup.ctr" and "fail to download XDNodeRunTimeDep.lvlib:nitl_modes.ctr".


So do you have any idea of that errors?


By the way, how can I install the real-time run-time engine, labview run-time engine and vision run-time engine to the desktop PC as real-time target?






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Message 3 of 15



I believe your getting these errors because the Real-Time engine isn't installled properly, you may want to try a repair. You can install the software in MAX: here is a set by step guide


I hope this gets you going 🙂

Sam S
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 15

Hi, Sam


I exactly followed the link you gave to me. The problem is also encountered by others,  exactly the same and like Tom in this post, I can also deploy through a real-time application rather than directly through the Project Window.  Is this a common proproblem since several people have it?


By the way, through MAX, I can't install the Vision Run-time engine and Real-time run-time engine since there are no such choices in the tree after choosing "Add/Remove softwre".  I am really confused how to install those run-time engines on the desktop PC which I converted to a real-time target.  And how to activate the licenses of the Vision Run-time engine and Real-time run-time engine for the real-time target without access to the computer name ?



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 15



I have heard of this issue arising unfortanetly. We are working on getting a permant fix for later editions of LabVIEW Real-Time. In regards to installing the "real time runtime engine" there is no such thing, you installl the Real-Time OS on the computer and deploy code to the Real-Time side.


For step by step instructions to configure your real-time PC, follow the guidance outlined in the document Using Desktop PCs as RT Targets with the LabVIEW Real-Time Module for ETS Targets.

After verifying that hardware requirements have been met, the next step is to configure the desktop PC for application development. This includes:

  1. Booting the real-time target PC into safe mode with the USB utility
  2. Installing LabVIEW Real-Time and additional required software on the real-time target PC, via Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) on the development machine. An evaluation version of the LabVIEW Real-Time Module can be installed from the standard LabVIEW Platform DVD. You can alsorequest an additional copy of the DVDif needed.


The vision deployment module is available online:


I hope this gets you going

Sam S
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 15

Thanks for your response, Sam.


But as I mentioned, in MAX there is no option for Vision module or vision run-time engine to install, but my code developed on the development machine has many VIs from Vision development module, which can't run on the real-time target without installation of the vision module or run-time engine on it.  By the way, how to activate the real-time deployment licence for standard PC and vision runtime license? I haven't seen any documents about that yet.





0 Kudos
Message 7 of 15

Hello Turtle,


You do not need to activate Real-Time on that PC once you have purchased the deployment license. You need to install the vision module to the comuter and then deploy it to the Real-Time side with your code

Sam S
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 15

Ok, Sam, you mean there is no physical operation that needs to take to activate the deployment license, is that right? Regarding the deployment of vision module, you mean the code with VIs from Vision module will be running fine on the real-time target once deployed even without installation any vision run-time engine or module to the real-time target? 



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 15


You do not need to activto the Real-Time deployment license once the Real-Time OS has been installed. In regards to the vision module you do need to have it downloaded and enabled for Real-Time. Make sure you look at the manuals here


And if you are using the Embedded Vision:

Sam S
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 15