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VIBox Probes conflict with saphir_lib_vbx_rsc_prb >= 1.0

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Thanks Oliver!  That seems to have done it.  Mass compile resulted in no bad vis and I am able to insert resizable array.

0 Kudos
Message 11 of 21

Glad to see your issue fixed.

I'm still not understanding how the problem occured. If someone else experience this issue please post a message on this thread.

Have a good day and enjoy the use of our probes.


Olivier Jourdan

Wovalab founder | DQMH Consortium board member | LinkedIn |

Stop writing your LabVIEW code documentation, use Antidoc!
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Message 12 of 21

Hi Olivier (got the spelling right this time   )

This is just a thought, but in past months I have had some issues with Labview crashes and not not-responding behavior. When the not-responding behavior occurs, I am left with no other option than to force-close Labview with task manager. I have been told that crashes and force-closing may leave some vis and even Labview itself corrupted. 

0 Kudos
Message 13 of 21

Thank you for this update. Hope that will not ocured again.


Olivier Jourdan

Wovalab founder | DQMH Consortium board member | LinkedIn |

Stop writing your LabVIEW code documentation, use Antidoc!
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 21

I had the same problem.  Your answer fixed my install also.  I previously tried uninstalling/reinstalling.  I did not have any conflict messages.  My problem was with the resizeable array probe, type double.

I zipped my broken VIBox probes directory.  It is attached to this message.

Thank you for the excellent tool.

0 Kudos
Message 15 of 21

Hello rand1038,

thank you for your feedback. It would definitely help us to find what's wrong with few install configuration.

Hope we could fix that issue quiclkly.


Olivier Jourdan

Wovalab founder | DQMH Consortium board member | LinkedIn |

Stop writing your LabVIEW code documentation, use Antidoc!
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Message 16 of 21

For me, the issue was fixed by replacing my VIBox probes directory with the one that you provided in this thread. 

Hopefully the broken directory that I attached will help you figure out what is going on.

Thanks again for the probes, they save me hours per week.

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 21

Here is another broken probes directory from another machine.  Once again, I dropped your directory in and all works.

Thanks again for the great tools!

0 Kudos
Message 18 of 21

Hello rand1038,

Thanks for this heads-up... we have been working on this issue but are not able to reproduce it on our machine. We have more than 20 different computers with different opeprating system. None of them reproduce the issue. If you have time could you tell what are your PC configurations (OS, LabVIEW version...) and if you have a machine where the instal works as intended, what's the difference between the ones that disfunction ?

Thanks in advance for your help.


Olivier Jourdan

Wovalab founder | DQMH Consortium board member | LinkedIn |

Stop writing your LabVIEW code documentation, use Antidoc!
0 Kudos
Message 19 of 21


Unfortunately, I do not have time to dig in to this rightn now or even soon.  I have attached some information that may be helpful to you.  If you can narrow down what you would like to see to a couple of specific items that will not take long to produce I would be happy to get you that information.

Message 20 of 21