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Roborio2.0 not working almost out of the box

Hello. I am from team 1576 we have purchased a roborio 2.0 during the 2023 off season,and didnt use it until the 3rd week of crescendo. We put it on our competition robot, we even used it for a few days, then one day while practicing, we came to change a battery, and after we put the new battery in the roborio2.0 just didnt turn on. We checked every port, we also made sure with a voltmeter that our pdp didnt give off too much voltage, unfortunately we had to use our very old first gen roborio 1 for the entire competition season, i wrote to andymark sincr we bought it of off them and they directed me to here. 
what shall we do? The roborio is a very expensive componet that is known for just burning. 
we would like if u could send us a few possible solutions or a replacement unit. 
thank you!

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Message 1 of 4



I am Thays From NI.


Could you confirm that this new battery is giving enough energy to the roboRIO?

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Message 2 of 4
Hello. Thank you for the response, it was a fully charged battery, and we changed the battery anyways and it didnt work with any of them (we have used those same batteries later in comp and they were just fine)
As i said we changed the roborio and used the same battery. 
The problem is in the roborio.
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Message 3 of 4



I sent you a direct message to coordinate the repair.

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