05-22-2016 10:16 AM
Dear all,
I am doing the QPSK transciever transmission with two USRPs NI-2920. As I check from the datasheet, the maximum gain for the transmitter usrp is 31 dB. When I set the transmitter gain at 27dB, it gets the minimum BER. However, when I turn the gain to higher values below the maximum, the BER gets worse. I wonder why this happens. Is it due to higher SNR leading to more packets drop?Does anyone know the answer? Many thanks.
Kindest regards,
11-06-2016 04:04 AM
您好,我是labview的初学者最近在学习psk。但是在计算误码率的时候发现误码率持续为1.如果您不介意的话能不能看下您的程序借我学习下呢?或者 您能帮我看下我的程序哪里有问题么?