Webcast Wednesday Discussions

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Webcast Wednesday Contest # 31


Using the state machine architecture, develop a simple arithmetic calculator

•The calculator takes two numbers as inputs, and based on what the user selects, adds, subtracts, multiplies or divides the two numbers and displays the result on the front panel.

•Additionally, it checks before division if there is a warning because of division by zero. If this is true, a boolean LED called “Warning” lights up.

•The user can quit the VI by pressing a “Stop” button

Leave your answers as comments below by clicking on Reply

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Rules & Guidelines

  • Post your answers as comments on this thread.
  • The participant answering all the questions correctly and in the shortest time will be the winner. In case of VI or code as answers, the participant will also be judged on the basis of the efficiency of the VI/code.
  • The deadline for answer submission is Monday.
  • Entries made after the deadline will not be accepted.
  • The winner will be announced in the next session of Webcast Wednesday and on this thread, with further information & next steps.

Recordings of the Previous Sessions

Previous Contests of the Week

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 9

Please find attached the reply to the posting on Webcast wednesday contest #31

Message 2 of 9

Please find the VI simple arithmetic calculator. Using the state machine architecture.

Message 3 of 9

Hi friends,

              Here is my VI for the contest.

1. Download the attachment

2. Run the arithmetic Calculator.lvproj project file

3. Open the Calculator.vi

4. Hit the run button

5. Evaluate and press Stop

Your feedbacks are most welcome. Have a nice day....

Thanks & Regards,

Ganesha Moorthy


0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

Hi Siddharthv and Vikramkumar,

                                            Nice work. All the best...

Message 5 of 9

hi, i hope get the answer, Please leave some suggestions..thanks

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 9

hii, this is answer for this week webcast contest.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 9

Hi Vasanthkumar,

                       The VI is good,

1. Initialize to default value might be added because when I was running first time the boolean was blinking until I made an click on operational button.

2. Use VI properties to arrange the FP to fixed gesture.

All the best for your contest.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 9

Hi Shubhs001,

                   The VI looks good, my suggestions are,

1. Stop button might also been incluced in the select case block.

2. Use VI properties to arrange the FP to fixed gesture.

All the best.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 9