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Configuring NI-PCI-MIO 16xe-10

I'm attempting to configure LabView 7.1 with my NI PCI MIO 16xe-10 device on Win7(32bit).........

Using the discussion board, I've been able to get the LV7.1 working with Win7 (yea!!)

I've also been able to install the PCI-16xe-10 device and use the Meas&Automation Explorer to receive signals with the "assistant".(yea!!)


What I cannot do is get the LabView 7.1 to communicate with the device. (Grrrrrr).


I am basically using LabView as a fancy 'chart-recorder' or volt-meter to record singnals and store them to a file.  Nothing really fancy.


My 'fall-back' is to re-install the card in the XP box and continue living in the past.


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Message 1 of 4



As you already found out the hard way, LabVIEW 7.1 is not technically compatible with Windows 7. It is impressive you were able force compatiblity, however, one would expect to run into a variety of issues starting with DAQmx compatibility (What version of DAQmx are you running?).  Rather than applying a bunch of band-aids in Windows 7 (and to save yourself the headache), I would recommend switching back to Windows XP, or possibly running a virtual machine with Windows XP.




Alexander M

Applications Engineer

National Instruments


Windows Version Compatibility with LabVIEW


NI-DAQ and LabVIEW Version Compatibility (for Windows)

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Message 2 of 4

Thanks for the cudos.....I was sort of impressed with the ability of it to run on Win7 using the offers from the discussion board.


I'm running MAX 5, I believe the 2011 version.  The thing that really excited me was the ability to read the signals using the test panels and it was 'spot-on.' with my digital volt-meter!!


Here's more of a 'sales' question:  Since I know the PCI-MIO 16xe-10 card works with the computer, would an updated/current version of LabView allow me to log the various testing data?  The capture rate of the card is completely adequate for what I do.  I know I'd be running a Volkswagon engine in an Porsche frame but it would still get me from pt A to B.

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Message 3 of 4



Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) is NI's version of Windows Device Manager, and is not the actual driver to your products.  You can use MAX to view installed drivers & software, but more importantly MAX is used to troubleshoot & configure hardware.  The image below demonstrates how to find your DAQmx Driver Version.




Not all DAQmx drivers are compatible with all versions of LabVIEW.  Please see this NI-DAQ and LabVIEW Compatibility article.


In regards to your sales question, I would highly recommend upgrading.  The current version, LabVIEW 2011, offers a large number of advanced features not available in LabVIEW 7.1, including simple data logging.




Alexander M

Applications Engineer

National Instruments

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