05-23-2012 09:19 AM
Place the probe THEN run the program.
Like I said I have seen that error a zillion times and it was always the spec tht I used.
05-23-2012 09:23 AM
How should I get rid of it? Because if I still have this error, the data won't be acquired.
05-23-2012 09:51 AM
@Bombbooo wrote:
How should I get rid of it? Because if I still have this error, the data won't be acquired.
For give me from asking but are you more comfortable asking questions in another langauge other than English?
If you feel more comfortable using another langauge please do so. I suspect the people who volunteer here can handle most languages so please do not limit yourself because of English.
Trying to help,
05-23-2012 10:03 AM
05-23-2012 10:13 AM
@Bombbooo wrote:
Well so far English is my best language for communicating after my mother language. I can speak german too but far worse than English. You have some problems with understanding my English?
Yes sir.
You posted;
How should I get rid of it? Because if I still have this error, the data won't be acquired.
What is "it" that you want to get rid of?
the probe, the error what?
TO get rid of the error you have to pass a valid VISA specifier.
To determine what specifier you are passing you place a probe on the wire prior to the VISA config BEFORE you rn the program.
Just abort out any eror messages you are getting and figure out what is in the probe.
I'm very sorry if this reply seems patronizing but this should be a straight forward exercise to verify what VISA spec you are using but here we are a dozen posts deep and we still don't know what the spec is.
05-23-2012 10:15 AM
You seem to have a problem understanding questions posed to you.
Please get your act together. The VIs you posted are broken. The top level is calling a VI that you did not include (vi connection 1). The one you did include (vi connection) is also broken. Obviously, you are running completely different code than what you provided so how can you possibly expect any real help.
05-23-2012 11:57 AM
05-23-2012 12:03 PM
It's a very simple concept. Opening your example results in a broken run arrow. As I said, your top level VI is calling a subVI that you did not include. You did not post the VIs that you are able to run. Fix the problem with your attachments! It's trivial to verify your attachments. Download them yourself and see.
05-23-2012 03:19 PM
I am so sorry that I didn't attach my main sub VI that the top VI is calling. Hope this VI is what you were asking for. The top VI should be able to run after downloading this VI
05-23-2012 03:33 PM
I already put a probe on the error-out wire which I found before there was an error before running the program to watch what specifier is passing through that wire. It just showed the same error that I saw before. I still don't know what I should fix on my code.
I think it would be ideal if you can take a look at my VI.
Sorry if I gave any stupid replies but I really don't know what to do, besides following your suggestions straightforwardly.
I am quite new for Labview too.