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Doubts to sell a project Labview ( Privacy)

Good morning to all
First of all thanks a lot for reading this post and able to help.
I would like to sell a Labview program and I have the following doubts as to the program provacity:
1.When I install the executable on the PC company to buy me the program (which will not have installed Labview) you can copy and paste it into another PC to run exactly like or need an installer?
2.. With the executable Can I see the block diagram of the program? Since I do not want that company copy my program.
3. I would sell my program license, What is the best way to do this? Make and executable and install on each computer?
Greetings and thank you very much!!!
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11


     You can distribute your exe to the customer PC, you need to install Labview runtime engine on the customer PC or  you can create a installer which will include the Labview runtime engine.

   If u create a exe, you and the customer cannot see the block diagram.




0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11

Hi Salcedo,


If you build an executable and install it on your buyer's computer he won't see the block diagram with the normal settings of the application builder. But building an executable alone won't keep the customer from copying it as many times as he likes. Even if he doesn't have your installer, he could just install all the toolkits and run time engines needed and copy the .exe to make it work. If your program isn't too complex, this should be doable.


If you want true security and stop the customer from copying it, you need licensing. There's a toolkit by NI that can help you with that: Third Party Licensing and Activation Toolkit



Remember Cunningham's Law
Message 3 of 11

An alternative I've seen to licensing (though I don't recommend it) is hard coding the program to only run on a specific computer... for example run an "getmac" command and verify the mac address hasn't changed.  If it changes, the program instantly stops execution with an error message.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

Another pro licence solution to use a physical USB key on the PC to enable application running.


edit: the above link is only for example, but if you google for "usb key licence", you can find many companies who sell USB licence key packages..

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

@PeterFoerster wrote:


If you want true security and stop the customer from copying it, you need licensing. There's a toolkit by NI that can help you with that: Third Party Licensing and Activation Toolkit



You're confusing third party addons with built executables.  This licensing is to control added functionality to the LV development environment.  It's entirely useless for the original poster's use case.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

Something that I haven't seen mentioned yet is that you do need to make sure that you final executable build does not have debugging enabled. If it is enabled you could pretty easily look at the block diagram if you have the LabVIEW development environment.

Matt J | National Instruments | CLA
Message 7 of 11

@natasftw wrote:

@PeterFoerster wrote:


If you want true security and stop the customer from copying it, you need licensing. There's a toolkit by NI that can help you with that: Third Party Licensing and Activation Toolkit



You're confusing third party addons with built executables.  This licensing is to control added functionality to the LV development environment.  It's entirely useless for the original poster's use case.

On this site it says: "Add licensing to Applications Built in LabVIEW..." I understood this as: It provides the possibility to generate license keys for your built applications as well as add ons in a similar style to the way LabVIEW and its toolkits are licensed.

I haven't looked at it in too much detail, though...

Remember Cunningham's Law
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

Yes NI has several technoligies for licensing products.  There is also BLT that I've never personally used but sounds good.


You can roll your own licensing software, but it probably isn't worth it, and others have the tools already if you are willing to pay for them.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

Hi my friend. Thanks a lot for answering.


Do you know the difference between That toolkit of Labview and BLT? Thans a lot.

And do you kne where I can find information about the toolkit?

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 11