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mask test remotely with LeCroy 6030 oscilloscopes

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Hello everybody !


For an automated test I must use a mask test for one channel, seeing the PASS/FAIL result.

I am using WM-RCM-E_Rev_D_902208( remote manual ).pdf but I didn't saw any remote command for controlling the mask and to read the mask test result (pass or fail).

If possible I remotely want to load a mask from the oscilloscope (or directly from the computer), set the test conditions and read back the mask test result.

There are somewhere a list with these commands available? If yes would you send it to me please.

Do you have other example/suggestions for me how to do that?


Thank you!

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Message 1 of 10
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Message 2 of 10
Accepted by topic author Nicku

Hi Nicu,


Use the VBS command to send in the automation strings for the P/F functionality you are wanting to access. The automation strings can be found by running XStream Browser; there is a shortcut to this application on the desktop of the scope. XStream Browser shows the automation interface for the scope; connect to the "local scope", and then navigate to PassFail/Q1. At the Q1 level you will see the overall settings. Go to the Operator folder to see additional details.

Some examples:


To specify which mask file:

VBS 'app.PassFail.Q1.Operator.Filename = "D:\Masks\100BaseT.msk" '


To setup the condition:

VBS 'app.PassFail.Q1.Operator.Condition = "AnyOut" '


To readback the result of Q1:

VBS? 'return=app.PassFail.Q1.Out.Result.Value' (returns 0 for false, -1 for true)


To readback the overall P/F result

VBS? 'return=app.PassFail.LastPass.Result.Value' (returns 0 for false, -1 for true)


Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any additional questions.


Best Regards,



Alan Blankman, Software Engineer
Teledyne LeCroy
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

Thank you all!


The problem is solved.

Smiley Happy

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10
Never mind marking an accepted solution but can atleast share what you did to solve it and then mark it as an accepted one?:smileywink:
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Message 5 of 10

Sorry, my mistake!

I didn't know how to mark that using VBS commands is the solution.

At this moment I don't know how to delete the check from accepted solution from my side and put it in the Alan replay.

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Message 6 of 10
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Message 7 of 10



Thanks :smileywink:

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Message 8 of 10

Hi Alan,


This post might be too old but i have some issue regarding the mask test and hope you can advise.

Attached is my code but i cannot get the response sometimes and even got an error message at the scope.




 Can you please advise? Thank you.


Best regards,


0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

Hi Crystal -  I'm no longer in tech support, and kindly ask that you call your local Applications Engineer for assistance.  If you are in the USA, you can call 800-553-2769 for tech support.  Our "Contact Us" page has phone numbers/email addresses for support if you are outside of the US.


My quick thought on the issue...  Is it possible that you are encountering a Windows permissions issue?  Perhaps the error message is occurring because the file is already open?


Best Regards,



Alan Blankman, Software Engineer
Teledyne LeCroy
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 10