12-18-2006 08:12 AM
12-18-2006 10:05 AM
Do you have any flexibility in the choice of the start byte that you need to send? I have seen applications in the past which deliberately transmit data at the wrong baud rate, but with carefully chosen binary patterns of 1's, 0's, start and stop bits, so that the receiver thinks it is a valid pattern of bits at a different rate. What is your data and what rates are involved?
12-18-2006 10:20 AM
12-18-2006 10:33 AM
OK there is a obviously a very significant difference in the rates, here - looks like a different approach is needed. How about opening two serial com ports, one at 300 and the other at 9600, and simply wiring the transmit line of one with the receive line of the other into the single cable that connects to your device? Open them both in CVI at the same time and you can have TX and RX at different rates, simultaneously.
12-18-2006 10:42 AM
i also considered this approach. But this approach is not so easy as it seems. The problem is that if you connect two txd wires then you have not -3 Volt on the line. The two TxD have then -6 Volt and if you want to send a high level than you have a problem with the supplementary - 3 volt....
Therefore I hope to finde a software solution with low level functions 🙂
I do not want to use external hardware if it is not necessary...
With kind regards
Savvas Georgiadis
12-18-2006 10:50 AM
12-19-2006 05:11 AM
12-19-2006 07:25 PM
04-13-2007 07:57 AM - edited 04-13-2007 07:57 AM
Message Edited by ebalci on 04-13-2007 03:59 PM