09-28-2012 03:27 AM
hi all,
I want to use DAG to connect to ARM9 in order to do my senior project. So i would like to know that Is DAG able to connect to ARM9? How?
Thank you very much.
08:26 AM
- last edited on
10:40 AM
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Which DAQ product? Which ARM9 platform?
All National Instruments DAQ products are designed to work with NI-DAQmx driver software or NI-DAQmx Base driver software, neither of which support any ARM9 platform.
You may not be completely out-of-luck depending on which DAQ product you use: If your ARM9 platform has a PCI interface and is running Linux, Comedi supports a number of PCI E-Series and M-Series devices. If you want to use an NI USB-6501, a forum member created a lightweight library using libusb to talk to one. Note that both of these are from third parties and as such are completely unsupported by National Instruments.