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3D Front Panels

Status: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 6 kudos within 6 years after posting will be automatically declined. Sad to see this one go.

Since Microsoft Windows 7 will be supporting a host of new Touch Screen capabilities and urging Monitor Manufacturers to implement the technology. It would be nice if Front Panels could  be made into a 3 dimensional Object like a cube. An example is the following the 3D picture controls in FP (LV 2009 only)


Displaying Front Panels and Block Diagrams. Blank Cubes could be created from the project explorer, a "flat" VI, or the LV Splash Screen. Blank Cubes would be gray with no Front Panel Icons. To populate the front panel or block diagram cubes, drag and drop VI's from the project explorer to a plane on the cube or drag the icon from a flat VI.


The user could have the ability to open numerous vi screens on their 3D object (up to 6 per cube). This would make scrolling from screen to screen as easy as moving your hand over the screen and navigating to the correct VI. If you select Control + E, you will be shown a 3D Cube of the Block diagram. Each Block diagram will correspond to a front panel and be mapped to the edge of the Cube. You could also have the option to create multiple Cubes so that you can have more than 6 VI's open at one time and drag/drop more VI's to this blank cube. If the block diagram cube for a front panel cube is already open and you press control + E for a particular front panel, the block diagram cube will reorient itself to show the correct diagram. (and Vice Versa)


3D Cubes.jpg


National Instruments
RIO Embedded Hardware PSE

CompactRIO Developers Guide
Active Participant
April 1st is a long way away...
Certified LabVIEW Architect
Knight of NI

Great. It's bad enough that we have users making diagrams that wouldn't cover a 50" monitor. Now, we're going to have them do it multiple dimensions.


I'd like to see them try to post that code on a 2D screen.


sound's like a good aprils fool joke for me, too ... but it's November!?!



Knight of NI
If you are working with an array on the front face, does it automatically transpose itself when the wire crosses over an edge?  Or mirror itself if it goes to the back face?  Instead of stacked sequence structures, we could have embedded stacked sequence cubes.  You'd open up each cube and pull out a slightly smaller cube and execute all of the cube's code in the 2nd frame.Smiley Very Happy
Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 6 kudos within 6 years after posting will be automatically declined. Sad to see this one go.