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When typing a path in the Terminal (Linux, Windows or macOS) hitting the table key does an auto-complete, this is extremely useful.


I wish the Path control and - let's dream - the path constant would behave the same.


It's probably only applicable to absolut path values.


I've made a QControl that does that, it's a bit basic but it does help, I might post it GitHub if there is interest.

Problem: Currently, the native nodes and VIs that can be used for error manipulation are located in the Dialog & User Interface palette. While manipulating errors can mean generating dialogues, and can influence the User Interface/User Experience, error manipulation is a broader and stand-alone topic.


Solution: Nodes and VIs that are relevant to error handling/error manipulation should be given their own subpalette inside the Programming palette. The new subpalette could be named "Error Handling", "Error Manipulation" or "Errors".


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Online version of LabVIEW 2024 Q1 Help -> LabVIEW Help menu item only points to the LabVIEW Programming Reference and NOT to LabVIEW User Manual.  This means that searches for topics like: "LabVIEW Style Guide" or "Memory" or "Performance" inside LabVIEW do not point to these topics inside the LabVIEW User Manual.  Currently to access any of these topics it is necessary to do an internet search which yields results in the LabVIEW User Manual.

Problem: Currently it is impossible to know in advance what errors (what error codes) a node or native VI can produce. (Native VI = VI that ships with LabVIEW)


For example, I recently implemented a module that communicates with another endpoint using the LabVIEW TCP primitives we know and love: TCP Open Connection, TCP Read, TCP Write, TCP Close Connection. In order to create robust software I needed to understand what error codes each of these primitives can generate, and in what circumstances.


Through initial testing I discovered that TCP Open Connection can generate errors 56, 62, and 66. I then handled these errors locally in the code.


Around two weeks later, during further testing of what I thought was a fully complete and tested module, the module unexpectedly started experiencing error 60 many times per second. The module had never experienced error 60 before. The module was configured to broadcast an event each time an error was detected. This flooded the listener (the DQMH tester VI that was listening to all broadcast events) with thousands of error messages per second. The tester VI front panel buttons became unresponsive, because the tester was flooded with so many incoming broadcasts. The only way to break out of the cycle was to abort the tester, then close the project to shutdown the module.


This way I learned "the hard way" that that TCP Open Connection can generate error 60 in certain circumstances, in addition to the error codes I had handled already.


Solution: The detailed help of each node and each native VI should list all error codes that can be produced by that node or VI. For example, in the case of TCP Open Connection, the detailed help should contain a description similar to the below.


TCP Open Connection can generate the following errors:

  • Error 56
  • Error 60
  • Error 62
  • Error 66
  • and so on listing here any/all error codes that can be generated by the node.



This list would be extremely useful, as it would make us (professional LabVIEW programmers) aware of the various error codes a node or VI could occur generate. This would encourage the programmer to think of ways to handle all those possible errors, thus resulting in more robust code.


By reading the "Explain Error..." message of each error code the programmer could also understand the circumstances in which the node or VI generates each particular error.



  • In summary, this idea suggests an improvement to the detailed help documentation of each node and native VI.
  • It should be possible to automate the creation of the lists for each node and native VI.
    • For nodes whose source code is written in C++, a program could be created to scan the source code files and return the list of possible error codes generated by the function.
    • For native VIs, VI scripting could be used to achieve a similar purpose and output the list of errors that could be generated by that VI.

Some very useful properties for UI manipulation on graphs and charts do not exist. This makes it impossible to make very dynamic UI's with variable number of plots or dynamic resizing in panels.

It is possible to set Legend.number of plots and Legend position. It is not possible to set:

Graph palette, scale legend or cursor legend position. This makes resizing graphs very limiting.   

Further, it is possible to programmatically create a custom legend.  However it is not possible with cursors because there is no property available to get the current cursor values. Please can we have cursor.values[] and cursor.legend.number of rows



The Project page of the Project Properties window contains the Mark Existing Items... button. When pressed, this button enables the programmer to enable the "Separate Compiled Code" setting for all files in the project. This is very useful.


Suggestion: It would be useful to have similar functionality that could enable or disable Automatic Error Handling for all VIs in the project. This could be achieved by adding a drop-down menu that enables the programmer to select whether they want AEH to be enabled or disabled, alongside a button that enables the programmer to apply the selection for all project items, as seen below.

Screenshot (annotated).png


































  • It may be best to add the button and drop-down menu in a new dedicated Category page named perhaps "Error Handling".
  • It would be useful to have the functionality available at a class and library level too. Meaning the ability to easily enable/disable the setting for the VIs inside a lvclass or lvlib, but not for the rest of the project.
  • The "Separate Compiled Code" and Automatic Error Handling settings are similar in that they are both Boolean settings (True/False value) that apply to each and every VI.

Problem: When developing or inheriting a large code base it is helpful to know which VI has Automatic Error Handling (AEH) enabled and which has it disabled. Currently, the quickest way to get this information is to bring up the VI Properties window (pressing Ctrl + I) and navigate to the Execution page. This is tedious when done on large numbers of VIs.


Solution: LabVIEW should display whether AEH is enabled or disabled on the Block Diagram. For example, a grey triangle located in the bottom-right corner of the block diagram window could indicate that AEH is disabled, and an "error green" triangle could indicate that AEH is enabled, as seen in the screenshots below. This display method is just a suggestion - professional UX designers may well find a better method. I would be happy with any indication method that I could at a glance see on the block diagram window.


2 Screenshot (AEH off).png































3 Screenshot (AEH on).png






























Idea expansion:

  • Executing a single left click on the triangle (or any other indication method) would toggle the setting to its other value. For example, a single left click on the grey triangle would toggle the AEH to enabled and the triangle would become green.

After working with text-based languages recently, I've become more aware of a very painful flaw in the LabVIEW IDE.


First of all, as software engineer, I like to perform experiments. Make a small change, test it. If it doesn't work, then just use Git to roll back the changes. I've been doing this for years, and with LabVIEW it has been fairly painful. Until recently I didn't realize there was a better way.

Why is it painful? Everytime I use Git to check out a different branch or roll things back, I am forced to close LabVIEW or at least close the project so that LabVIEW detects and loads the new code from disk instead of whatever it has in memory. I lived with that for years because I didn't know any better.


Enter text-based programming and IDEs: VSCode, PyCharm, probably any other modern IDE. I try an experiment, it doesn't work. I roll the changes back in Git and guess what? I don't have to open and close anything! The IDE just automatically detects the file has changed and loads the new file!


When is LabVIEW going to get with the times?

This topic keeps coming up randomly.  A LabVIEW class keeps a mutation history so that it can load older versions of the class.  But how often does this actually need to be done?  I have never needed it.  Many others I have talked with have never needed it.  But it often causes problems as projects and histories get large.  For reference: Slow Editor Performance with Large LabVIEW Projects Containing Many Classes.  The history is also just added bloat to your files (lvclass and any built files that use the lvclass) for something most of us do not need and sometimes causes build errors.


My proposal is to add an option to the class properties to keep the mutation history.  It can be enabled by default to keep the current behavior.  But allowing me to uncheck this option and then never have to worry about clearing the history again would be well worth it.

I often want to find any cube-dropped class constants for a particular class on block diagrams in my project.  But, to the best of my knowledge, there's no easy way to do this. It'd be great if there was an option to find these when right-clicking on a class in the project:


class finding option.jpg















































  • Removes the need to use a separate Color Box Constant and Bundle By Name node when writing to VI server properties that take the LvFontTypeDef.ctl as an input.
  • More intuitive representation (a colour displayed as a visual colour rather than just a number).


  • The underlying data type of the Color Box is U32. Hopefully this means that this change would be "transparent" to the compiler. The change would affect only the visual appearance and  would improve the human interaction with this typedef cluster.

Bug replication steps:

  • Ensure that the "Connector pane terminals default to Required" option is ticked (found in Tools >> Options >> Front Panel).
  • Connect an indicator to a VI's connector pane.
  • Right-click the indicator and select "Change to Control".
  • The indicator changes to a control, but the connector pane terminal is Recommended. It should be Required (should obey the environment setting).


  • Mis-connecting an indicator to the connector pane while believing it is a control can occur moderately frequently, especially when working with front panel elements that do not look very different when they are controls vs. indicators, for example: variants, objects, typedef clusters, system-style strings or paths.

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The name of the "Get Date/Time in Seconds” function is misleading. The function should be renamed.

Combined v2.png









  • The current name does not make it clear which Date/Time it is going to return. The words "now" or "current" are missing.
  • The "In Seconds" portion is misleading and unnecessary. The function correctly returns a timestamp data type. The timestamp represents a moment in time that is expressed not just in seconds, but also using lots of other time units such as days, hours, minutes, ms, us, ns, etc. I understand that when a timestamp is converted to a DBL, the value represents the fractional number of seconds since the beginning of the epoch, but this is an implementation detail. It should not be part of the name of the function.
  • “Get Date/Time in Seconds” would be a suitable name for a conversion function that takes in a formatted Date/Time string and outputs a DBL that represents the number of seconds since the beginning of the epoch.

Names of equivalent functions in other languages

  • .NET: System.DateTime.Now
  • C++: std::chrono::system_clock::now()
  • Python:

Notice that the equivalent function names contain the word "now" and omit "in seconds".


Perhaps the best new name for the function would be “Get Date/Time Now”. This name would be very much in line with the .NET, C++ and Python equivalent function names. This name would earn the "let's not reinvent the wheel" prize.


Nevertheless, I would be happy with the following names too:

  • “Get Timestamp Now”
  • “Get Current Date/Time”
  • “Get Current Timestamp”


  • Changing a primitive name may break VIs that use VI scripting to find or create this node. This is a downside. I believe that in this case the long-term benefits would outweigh the relatively minor annoyance of hopefully relatively few developers having to modify those scripting VIs to use the new primitive name.

I am currently struggling with the issue that the shown knob permanently triggers "Value change" event as long as the user has not finished adjusting it yet (left mouse button is still pressed). This may be an intended behavior, but it is not in my case.

For boolean elements, there is the configuration option of "Mechanical Action". For strings, there is the option "Update value while typing". However, there is currently no such option for numerical elements.

Therefore, I would like to suggest the following:
Add an option "Update while adjustment" - true by default, so it acts as it do currently. If this option is set to false, the "Value change" event would only be triggered after the input is completed by the user.

The situation:

There is a user interface that provides the user with an array control.

The array control provides the user only one or a limited number of elements.

The user must use the scroll bars or the index control to select the correct element that he wants to modify.


The problem:

The user can scroll to a position beyond the last available array element and enter data. This increases the size of the array as expected, but not as desired in the given situation.

After the user finishes entering, the program must check the size of the array and reduce it again.

The proposed solution:

There should be a "max. array index" property of the array control. It should prevent the user from scrolling to a position beyond this maximum element index and/or editing such a position. It should also prevent adding elements via the right-click menu when the maximum number of elements has already been reached.



There could also be a minimum property that prevents the user from deleting array elements so that the total number falls below the minimum.


The proposed solution should only affect the user's input capabilities. It should not change the size of the array if it was specified programmatically.

The help page, that is supposed to provide a starting point for the developers on creating readable, high quality code in LabVIEW seems to be unchanged for quite some time: LabVIEW Style Checklist - NI.

At different workplaces (including NI) and different teams I have seen different implementations of such guides, many of which included extra "rules".

One such example is the file naming convention:

  • Using spaces for separating words.
  • Using Libraries to namespace VIs instead of including the noun in every related VI.

These are the most prominent examples I can come up with from the top of my head, but I'm sure that there are more.


I'm curious if an updated version exists somewhere that could be used to replace the above refenced help page?

If there is not, then I think could we collect some ideas here for updating this document.

Currently the quickest way to open a typedef is right-click >> Open Type Def.


Holding down a modifier key (Ctrl, Alt, Shift, or a combination of these) while double-clicking on an existing typedef constant or terminal (Block Diagram) or control/indicator (Front Panel) would be quicker.



































  • The gesture could open the private data definition (ctl file) of a class when double-clicking on an object constant, terminal, or control/indicator.
  • Opening the typedef for inspection/modification is one of the most common actions when working with typedef clusters and enums.

Control and indicator references are currently 19 pixels tall. They should be 16 pixels tall. References would then align better with other items which are already 16 pixels tall, such as the Bundle By Name and Unbundle By Name nodes.


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This idea is inspired by this idea and this idea.

Suppose that in the scenario seen below we would like to merge the error out terminal of VI back into the main error wire. This is, of course, a common programming pattern.











Currently we would need to insert a Merge Errors node into the existing wire (Pressing Ctrl + Space, typing "erg", then Ctrl + I is probably the quickest way to do this), then wire the error wire as desired. Currently creating a wire from the error out terminal and ending that wire onto the existing error wire results in broken wires, as seen below.











It would be useful to have an option that specifies that a Merge Errors node would automatically be inserted in this case. That option could be named something like "Automatically insert the Merge Errors node when suitable", and could be located in the Tools >> Options... menu alongside options such as "Place structures with Auto Grow enabled" or "Auto-insert Feedback Node in cycles".


When the "Automatically insert the Merge Errors node when suitable" option is ticked, a Merge Errors node would automatically be inserted in the scenario described earlier, as seen below. This would save the few seconds required to execute the Ctrl + Space, "erg", Ctrl + I sequence.













  • I would be happy if the default value of the "Automatically insert the Merge Errors node when suitable" option would be unticked, which would maintain the current default behaviour.
  • Even if the option would be ticked (enabled) by default, I think it would still make sense from a usability point of view. I suspect that the number of times people intentionally use this feature would be greater than the number of times that people wire error wires together by mistake and would wish for the wires to be broken.


What is really nice about the database toolkit is that "database SELECT" variant data can be cast directly into an (array of) cluster using the "database variant to data" function.


However, it cannot cast MySQL enums to Labview enums. By default, MySQL returns the enum string, not the underlying integer. As soon as the casting function encounters a string to cast to an enum, it fails to convert all following data.

My not so elegant workarounds:

- cast the enums in SQL and use "database execute SQL" instead of "database SELECT"

- create a view with the enums converted to int.


"database INSERT" does work without hacks: you can use clusters with enums to insert data into MySQL tables. The only caveat there is that LV enums start at zero, whereas MySQL enums start at 1. I work around this by adding an "undefined" value in the Labview enum.


My suggestion is to support enums in the database toolkit. After all, in Labview, it is not hard to convert a string into the matching enum.