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LabVIEW needs native SSH and SFTP connection support. 


In the past, LabVIEW users have had to rely on third party applications like PuTTY or ExtraPuTTY to do very basic Linux/Unix secure shell operationsNot only does it add an extra layer of complexity to the code but it is also quite inflexibleIncreasing interoperability requirements of present day (and future) computer systems rely heavily on terminal services with a vast percentage of those being SSH basedIn the past 5 years I have needed to use SSH type connections more and more inside of LabVIEW, I do not see it ending anytime soon and I know I am not alone.


An SSH connection could be managed in much the same manor as the current VISA and TelNet connection are managedAn example of some of the tools could look something like the below image and could come standard or part of the Internet Connectivity Toolkit.



The web format wars are over, and the plug-ins have lost.  Microsoft has relented and will support HTML5 and SVG in IE9, and has admitted that Silverlight's role will change to that of a Windows phone development platform.  Silverlight support on iPhone/iPad/Andoid/Chrome OS will likely never be fully formed, and will wither on the vine. 


New javascript/ecmascript engines that are much faster, and make use of multicore environments have arrived and work well.  The addiition of WebSockets means your browser can now open a tcp/ip socket.  I have done this, as I am sure others have, as well.  Drop an old-fashioned tcp/ip listener into your diagram, return the WebSocket handshake, and presto: you can now stream data directly to/from your browser.  WebSockets provides an "onmessage" event handler function which you can define.  Combine this with the SVG DOM, and you can transform SVG elements until your heart is content.  Two-way streaming of data between your browser and plain-old tcp/ip?  Goodbye web services, we knew you well. Good riddance, plugins.


I have built my own SVG UI objects using Inkscape (free), and wrote a script (notepad/Inkscape script editor, also free) to handle WebSockets communication without a gateway.  I have a simple LV class built on the TCP/IP functions that will stream data to/from a browser which is pointing to an SVG "webpanel" that I also built using Inkscape.  So far I have a simple waveform graph, buttons, LED's, progress bars, etc.  I have tested my Inkscape webpanels in Firefox 4.0 Beta and Google Chrome 9 and it works like a champ, and is very fast.  The old-fashioned LV webserver will serve up SVG files with the addition of a mime type. 





An alternative to SVG is the HTML5 <canvas> tag, which allows the rendering of graphics drawn using java/ecma script.  There is a free-for-personal-use script library called RGraph Library that you can download with lots of example code.  Here is RGraph/LabVIEW in action in Chrome 9:






So what is my idea?  


0. Ditch Silverlight.


1. Convert all of the nice-looking UI panel objects in the Web UI Builder from Microsoft XAML to SVG and distribute them with the  LabVIEW professional development license.  I am programmer first, and I admit my web panel objects don't look too good.


2. Design a script library for handling WebSockets communcation (or add native support for WebSockets to the Shared Variable Engine) and manipulating/updating the SVG UI objects from streamed WebSockets data.  Make this library open source.


3. Create a standard open protocol for streaming LabVIEW data that sits on top of WebSockets and is free and open.


4. Publish documentation for the SVG UI elements so users and thrid parties can create new UI objects.  Make use of the creativity of the community at large!


5. Modernize the Web Publishing Tool so that it will optionally output an HTML5 and/or SVG document that accepts streaming I/O from WebSockets.  The user could choose from compatible SVG elements to use in place of front panel elements on the VI being published.


6. Create a Web UI SVG element exchange for registered NI users to upload/download elements for free.


7.  Work toward the long term goal of adding SVG Import/Export to the control editor (with better editing tools), or make the CTL format of custom controls SVG/XML.


LabVIEW crashes randomly when network functions are used on Linux. This problem appears especially when many connections or files are open.

R&D has identified the issue but is evaluating wheter or not the issue will be resolved in future releases.


All the details are here :


An example is attached.





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With the IPv4 address pool quickly getting used up I think we need to have native support for IPv6 connections in LabVIEW.

LabVIEW needs native SSL/TLS support for the TCP primitives. The HTTP functions support it (see \vi.lib\httpClient\ There are several great LabVIEW native MQTT libraries that could be commercially usable if there was native SSL/TLS support. Not having this functionality for the TCP primitives makes LabVIEW a poor choice for an IoT platform.

This idea started when I realized the WebDAV API provided by NI does not have the ability to read the File Creation information on a remote file.




"That's okay" I thought, I'm a programmer and will add it myself.  Looking at the source it looks like NI just leveraged someone else's protocol, and wrapped it into some Call Library Function Nodes.  NI could have written the WebDAV API wrapping their own HTTP API functions, using G instead, allowing for customization but they didn't.


"That's okay" I thought, I'm a programmer, and I'll look into recreating the WebDAV API, by calling the NI HTTP API.  Looking at the source sounds like NI didn't implement all of the HTTP functions available, only the most basic ones.  And since WebDAV requires more than just the PUT, GET, and POST, that means also having to update the HTTP API to have those functions, so that I can rewrite the WebDAV API.  Oh but look at that, NI also just (seemingly) wrapped someone else's implementation again into Call Library Function Nodes, this time calling the ni_httpClient.dll.  NI could have written the HTTP API wrapping their own TCP primitive API functions using G instead, allowing for customization but they didn't.


So this idea is for one or more of the following things, from the easiest, to the most difficult.


  1. Add the File Creation Date, as returned information from the Get File Info of the WebDAV API.
  2. Implement the WebDAV API in G, and eat your own dog food.
  3. Implement the HTTP API in G, and eat your own dog food.

If you develop an application using functionality from the OPC UA Toolkit on a machine with a developer license covering the OPC UA toolkit you cannot run the built application to test if it works without having to buy a deployment license for that machine. 


Having a developer licens on a machine should allow us to run built applications as well the same machine to verify the functionality after build (alternatively the developer seat should always be accompanied by a deployment license).

LabVIEW's HTTP Request client currently does not support the PATCH method. This method is becoming increasingly more popular within RESTful API's and has been an officially recognized verb since 2010 (RFC 5789). It should be fairly simple to integrate, since LabVIEW runs cURL under the hood and cURL implements it with curl --request PATCH


Having sold applications that use functionality from the OPC UA Toolkit we run into an issue if we upgrade our LabVIEW version and continue to develop those applications beceause the OPC UA deployment license will then stop working if we upgrade the software we have delivered to them to one developed in a newer version. So, even though the customer has an OPC UA deployment license and we have an updated developer license it is not enough because the deployment licenses have to be updated as well (and it does not help that deployment licenses are not something we can bunde with the upgrade of the software either). From what I understand new deployment licenses will not actually cost anything, they are provided by NI as long as you already had a deplyment license for the previous version - but the logistics of this is a nightmare for us. Instead of just delivering a new installer with an updated version of our software we have to get involved in upgrading the dpeloyment license for all of their systems each time we have gone to a new version of LabVIEW.

It would be nice if the LabVIEW primitives for TCP allowed for the creation of a socket without actually connecting it to an endpoint.  My thoughts are that there would be two new commands added to the TCP palette:


TCP Create Connection (Advanced)

TCP Open Connection (Advanced)


TCP Create Connection (Advanced) would create the socket but not perform the connect() method on that socket.  I would imagine that it would otherwise look and feel quite like the current TCP Open Connection, except that the user would need to manually run TCP Open Connection (Advanced) afterwards that would perform the connect() method on that socket.


I have a need to access the raw socket object before it is connected, using the TCP Get Raw Net in the vi.lib\Utility\tcp.llb library.  This VI works to get the handle that can be used by winsock and other Windows DLLs, however, it only allows for setting properties for a socket that is already connected.


Specifically I have a need to enable Windows FastPath for TCP to optimize the rate at which I can stream data between two applications.  Per the specification, this option must be enabled BEFORE the socket is connected.  Right now I can set this for the listener on the server side (TCP Create Listener creates a socket but does not connect), but I cannot set it for the TCP connection on the client side as the first method it calls is TCP Open Connection which returns a socket that is already connected.

The current implementation of flattening and unflattening from XML is quite noisy and includes information unnecessary for the users. Rewriting it or including Pretty Print functionality to LabVIEW would greatly simplify loading settings, exchange of data with other languages, dynamic configurations, visualizations of complex systems, network communication etc.



For community solution and examples of these features please go to ->


This could include also Pretty JSON since XML and JSON are interchangeable ->


Additionally the XML parsing should be implemented without requiring Windows .NET platform components, so it can be done on a real-time system. Current XML parsing functions cannot be called on RT.


With the advent of the IoT and the growing need to synchronize automation applications  and other TSN (Time Sensitive Networking) use cases UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) is becoming more and more problematic.  Currently, there are 37 seconds not accounted for in the TimeStamp Which is stored in UTC.  The current I64 portion of the timestamp datatype that holds number of seconds elapsed since 0:00:00 Dec 31, 1900 GMT is simply ignoring Leap Seconds.  This is consistent with most modern programming languages and is not a flaw of LabVIEW per se but isn't quite good enough for where the future is heading   In fact, there is a joint IERS/IEEE working group on TSN 


Enter TAI or International Atomic Time: TAI has the advantage of being contiguous and is based on the SI second making it ideal for IA applications.  Unfortunately, a LabVIEW Timestamp cannot be formated in TAI.   Entering a time of 23:59:60 31 Dec 2016, a real second that did ocurr, is not allowed.  Currently IERS Bulletin C is published to Give the current UTC-TAI offset but, required extensive code to implement the lookup and well, the text.text just won't display properly in a %<>T or %^<>T (local abs time container and UTC Abs time container)  We need a %#<>T TAI time container format specifier. (Or soon will!)

Hi all,


After some issues spending 1 week to get HTTP embedded server working in LV for a single application, I have some remarks that might trigger some need to a more flexible, simple and open HTTP configuration. The current implementation of a HTTP server is quite limited and outdated to my opinion.

First thing is the NI Web Server. This is a nice feature, however, NI recommends using it rather then the outdated Application Web Server but the problem is that this thing is only a single server running on a single port (for every application executable). Good enough for a single web server on a host using a web browser but how about implementing a LV HTTP server for each application (e.g. RPC server)? To my knowledge, every other programming language (e.g. Python, C++, ...) has a core implementation for this.

I have spent a lot of time to see what the best solution is for implementing a HTTP server belonging to a single application executable in LV. This executable is typically a application GUI or a backend service in our projects and we have a lot of them. Every application needs its own RPC server (running on a different port) and hence running its own RPC methods and I ended up implementing a Web Service using a LV Application Web Server, I can't see other ways at this moment using core LV functionality without the need for additional packages to install.

I also miss the enabling and disabling of the HTTP server during runtime. As in our project applications, we also have other transport layers for implementing RPC, such as zeroMQ (thanks to Martijn Jasperse's library on VIPM) and TCP (native built-in to LV). I would like to run only one of these transport services by configuration but here is a second problem here, once the application is running, the HTTP Web Service automatically registers and there is no controlled way for disabling it during runtime, which gives me headaches since I have to change the port number as another transport layer cannot use the same port as the HTTP server. One might say to built another application (actor based) exe and implement the Web Service from there in a different actor but this is a pain in the *** to have 2 exe's for each single application. Why can't the HTTP Web Service not switched OFF and ON again, both in development and runtime? I found a property node to disable the server but it apparently doesn't work (seems related to the native panel web server).

One of the major disadvantages that I also encountered is the HTTP methods that are programmed in a single VI and there is no way to pass data to these method VI's (like using actor framework or even classes in general). It seems we have to use FGV's (Functional Global Variables) to share data between my main application actor and these HTTP method VI's itself. Even then, the HTTP Service Request refnum is only valid in the HTTP method VI itself, once it finished executing, the refnum is flushed and not valid anymore, so no way to pass this refnum using actor framework messages to my application actors. That's quite frustrating since I have to use notifiers within the HTTP method VI's instead as a plan B backup solution signifying that the method VI can proceed and finish its execution once it Wait on Notifier function is complete (since I want to send an answer from my application actors, not from the HTTP method itself)!

Another issue I observed is that I can't "Start" the HTTP Web Service from the right-click menu in the project explorer, it simply crashes with some dubious error that the 'system is currently in an invalid state for the current message'. What does this mean, no clue from NI help docs?




I can only right-click and select "Start (Debug Server)" to make it work (but on the debug port 8001 by default). All other options just fail, the same for "Publish", it simply doesn't work in my LV2020 SP1 (32-bit) version and I have no clue why as there is not a single error message at all!

Also, why must we use MS Silverlight to control application webservers from LV? Silverlight is deprecated and I ended up using MS Edge in "Internet Explorer" mode to get the config page working (after spending another two hours to find out). Even then, some config panes just show up with error dialogs and no way to see active services being registered by the application HTTP web server. In the end I just used TCP View to see active services running. It is always frustrating to use third party apps to do simple things.


As you might notice from this message, I suffered a lot of days to figure out how to implement HTTP in a simple decent way using LV's core HTTP functionality. I wonder if this will be better using LV 2024 Q1?
If anyone has ideas on how to properly configure multiple application HTTP servers for each application on different ports while controlling itself, please share it with me. I am open to any idea's and wonder if there are other solutions for HTTP implementation (not using 3rd party packages). To my opinion, HTTP should be easy and open to configure properly in LV without a lot of current non-working Web Server issues.
Please note that I tried to reinstall the NI Web Server and other web service related stuff using NI package manager but no avail.


Best Regards,

Davy Anthonissen

Traditionally LabVIEW has treated Strings and Unsigned Byte Arrays as being the same. This is nowadays a little unfortunate as all UI systems use some kind of encoding so Strings are not generally interchangeable with Byte Arrays anymore.

In trying to stay for binary data as much as possible with Byte Arrays instead of Strings, since that would be the sensible thing to do, the Unflatten from String (which should rather be called Unflatten from Stream) puts a totally unnecessary wrench into this.

I always had hoped that LabVIEW would change the default binary data stream format to a Byte Array at some point but this while it would be possible, is a fairly pervasive change that would require many backwards compatibility decisions that I unfortunately don't see NI going to spend time on anymore. This change however would be a very small change that has zero backwards compatibility concerns and almost no work to add to the existing LabVIEW software.

This same change has been for instance made to the TCP Write node some versions back already and could be also applied to the VISA Write! Smiley LOL

According to the increasing number of questions about this communication protocol, it would be time to rewrite the MODBUS library. I also suggest to add it to the NI device drivers installer.


This could be the place to list the expected modifications. Some comments and bugs are already listed in above linked page.

By default, VI Server uses TCP to communicate between applications.  This stream of data is not encrypted and open to hacking and snooping.  


My suggestion is allow VI Server traffic to be encrypted, perhaps using SSL/TLS  or an AES algorithm.


The reasons are obvious.  There is an increasing number of cyber attacks in industrial control systems.  Many cyber attacks are perpetrated internally, so a firewall or air gap is only so helpful.  And in certain environments (ie military, medical) you can't even consider transmitting data without encryption.  This means VI Server is not an option for many users.


I see that LV2020 now supports SSL/TLS in its TCP functions (see here), so the logical next step would be to make use of this in VI Server also.

Protocol buffers are a flexible, efficient, automated mechanism for serializing structured data. Like XML or JSON but smaller, faster, and simpler.

LabVIEW already has XML & JSON functions, why not ProtoBuf?  It is the default mechanism for serializing structured data used by gRPC.

If LabVIEW users want to create gRPC microservices, then LabVIEW needs to support ProtoBufs.

There are a plethora of timestamp formats used by various operating systems and applications. The 1588 internet time protocol itself lists several. Windows is different from various flavors of Linux, and Excel is very different from about all of them. Then there are the details of daylight savings time, leap years, etc. LabVIEW contains all the tools to convert from one of these formats to another, but getting it right can be difficult. I propose a simple primitive to do this conversion. It would need to be polymorphic to handle the different data types that timestamps can take. This should only handle numeric data types, such as the numeric Excel timestamp (a double) or a Linux timestamp (an integer). Text-based timestamps are already handled fairly well. Inputs would be timestamp, input format type, output format type, and error. Outputs would be resultant format and error.

LabVIEW currently porvides TCP and UDP primatives. It would be nice if it had a PING primative as well.

I would like to see more native support for compression and encryption/hash algorithms.


When it comes to compression and encryption. We are very much the poor relations to other languages that have a plethora of source and examples for SHA1, DES, 3DES, Blowfish, HMAC, Ryjindel, AES (encryption) and LZO, LZMA, LZW, GZip, JPEG2000 (compression) to name but a few.


Apart from "Zip" (which can only be used on files) and "twofish" (which is hardly an industry standard because of security concerns) we have very little choice but to use DLLs and SOs meaning our applications violate one of the biggest reasons for using LabView........cross-platform. We have very little in our tool-kit to make efficient and secure network applications for example. Especially if we are required to interface to existing systems that ave used these technologies for many years.


We cannot even write applications to access Twitter any more!


With the introduction of "Stream" prototypes in the new LV2010, it is essential to have these tools in our palettes.