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  • Removes the need to use a separate Color Box Constant and Bundle By Name node when writing to VI server properties that take the LvFontTypeDef.ctl as an input.
  • More intuitive representation (a colour displayed as a visual colour rather than just a number).


  • The underlying data type of the Color Box is U32. Hopefully this means that this change would be "transparent" to the compiler. The change would affect only the visual appearance and  would improve the human interaction with this typedef cluster.

The fact that tables don't have wordwrap for individual columns still is pathetic.  Wordwrap is needed for all text components, columns in tables, cells, treeviews, listboxes, etc.  Plot legends as well should wrap and they don't.


Tables especially need this, alone with other suggest features for draggable columns, sortable A->Z AND Z->A, columns show/hide/filter, etc....