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Problem: When an error occurs inside some DAQmx VIs, the error source (the string component of the error cluster) does not contain the call chain. This means that it is impossible to know the location where the error occurred based on looking at the error message.


Real-world example: The other day I encountered DAQmx error -200477 on a cRIO-9045 that uses DAQmx to acquire data from several different C-Series modules. The real-time application that was running on the cRIO contained an error handling module, which correctly logged the error to file. I saw the following when using PuTTY and the linux 'cat' command to display the contents of the error log file.









Notice that the error message does not contain any information as to where in the codebase this error actually occurred. This meant that I had to spend a few minutes inspecting the moderately large codebase before identifying the likely location of the error. Running subsequent tests I was able to confirm that that was the location of the error. The error was soon understood and fixed.


Root-cause: The root-cause of the issue (lack of call chain information) is the DAQmx Fill In Error In the real-world example above the error was occurring inside the DAQmx Timing (Sample Clock).vi.








The block diagram of this VI is seen below:

























Any LabVIEW errors generated inside that VI are generated by the DAQmx Fill In Error This VI is, of course, essentially a simple translator between the return type (I32) output of the Call Library Function Node and a native LabVIEW error. That VI has an unwired input named depth whose default value is 1. This means that only the last link of the call chain is inserted into the error message.












Solution: Always insert the complete call chain inside all DAQmx error messages.

I have created NI MAX custom scales to use in a data acquisition system with a cRIO and LabVIEW.  As part of the Quality Management system at my company, I regularly calibrate instrumentation, and update these calibrations as custom scales in NI MAX.  My issue is that these calibrations/custom scales are a very important part of overall data integrity. The concern is multiple test users can gain access to NI MAX and randomly change the custom scales without knowledge of the Quality System manager, thereby compromising data integrity. Perhaps NI could look into allowing password protections of Custom Scales like they password protect the configuration of the cRIO system I am using.  This would help greatly to protect data integrity. Thanks for your consideration.

Recently LabVIEW has added the following feature: When creating a new wire, double-clicking creates a terminal. This can be an indicator or a control, depending on what was selected. If the wire was started from a data sink (a structure tunnel or a subVI or node input terminal), holding down the Ctrl key while double-clicking creates a constant. This is very useful and saves time. Kudos!


When working with cluster wires, it would be useful if an Unbundle By Name node could be created by:

1. Start creating a new cluster wire or wire branch

2. Hold down a modifier key (Ctrl, Alt, Shift, or a combination thereof) and double-click


Step 1: Start creating a cluster wire

1 (edited).png












Step 2 - current behaviour: double-clicking creates a terminal. This is useful. Holding modifier keys down (Ctrl, Alt, Shift) does not alter the behaviour.

2 (edited).png












Step 2 - desired behaviour: Holding modifier key + double-click creates Unbundle By Name node

3 (edited).png













  • Creating UBN nodes is a common, repetitive action when working with clusters. This gesture would save time.
  • The screenshots above show a cluster wire being created starting from a control terminal. The gesture should, of course, work regardless of which object the wire branch was started from (e.g. tunnel, subVI output terminal, etc).
  • Perhaps the idea can be expanded to creating Bundle By Name nodes. Perhaps one modifier key (e.g. Ctrl) would create a UBN node, while another key (e.g. Alt) would create a BBN node.

Perhaps my most obscure suggestion...


You can't create a build spec with the same name as an existing one regardless of capitalization:



But if you use a mismatched case in "<vi.lib>\AppBuilder\AB_API_Simple\Build (path).vi" you get this error:



So either you should be allowed to create build specs with the same letters and different capitalization, or the API should be smart enough to find the matching build spec regardless of capitalization.


Maybe this has been already requested elsewhere and I'm missing it....

but it would be useful to have a Wait (ms) with connectors for error in and out.

This can help keeping the BD clean...



The Project page of the Project Properties window contains the Mark Existing Items... button. When pressed, this button enables the programmer to enable the "Separate Compiled Code" setting for all files in the project. This is very useful.


Suggestion: It would be useful to have similar functionality that could enable or disable Automatic Error Handling for all VIs in the project. This could be achieved by adding a drop-down menu that enables the programmer to select whether they want AEH to be enabled or disabled, alongside a button that enables the programmer to apply the selection for all project items, as seen below.

Screenshot (annotated).png


































  • It may be best to add the button and drop-down menu in a new dedicated Category page named perhaps "Error Handling".
  • It would be useful to have the functionality available at a class and library level too. Meaning the ability to easily enable/disable the setting for the VIs inside a lvclass or lvlib, but not for the rest of the project.
  • The "Separate Compiled Code" and Automatic Error Handling settings are similar in that they are both Boolean settings (True/False value) that apply to each and every VI.

LabVIEW 2020 32bit (English), installed on Windows 10 (French).


I have noticed some small inconsistencies in the localization and formatting of the "File Dialog" and its subdialogs.


Let's say you have a "File Dialog" express VI configured in mode "File, Existing".

The main dialog and the "non-existing file" subdialog look like this:


Here I've put the parameters in [square brackets], of course it is the developer's duty to localize them.

For the rest, except for the "All Files" pattern label (which should be "Tous les fichiers" in my case), everything is correctly localized and satisfyingly formatted.


Now let's compare with a "File Dialog" express VI configured in mode "File, New".

The main dialog and the "replace existing file" subdialog look like this:


The "replace existing file" subdialog is not localized and its format is not consistent with the "non-existing file" subdialog.

For the subdialog's title, it should be the [Prompt] as well.

For the file name, it should be the short file name (and not the full path). This one is my personal preference but both subdialogs could display the full path as well, as long as it is consistent.




Typical question in development process: "How quickly does my code execute? What runs faster... Code A or Code B?" So, if you're like me, you throw in a quick sequence that looks like this:




AHHH! What a mess! It's so hard to fit it in, with FP real estate so packed these days!


We need this:


 Just like my other idea, and for simplicity's sake NI, I would be PERFECTLY happy even if you had to set up the probes during edit mode, and were not able to "probe" while running.


 As a bonus, this idea may be extrapolated into n timing probes, where you can find delta t between any two of the probes.

This is not directly a LabVIEW idea, but it is still an idea that impacts many LabVIEW programmers.


To keep my distribution small, I distribute my installers without run-time engine and instruct the users to download and install the relevant run-time engine. I provide a link to the run-time download page.


Note that these users are NOT NI customers and not interested in any NI products. They are my customers (well, my programs are free) and are only interested getting my programs to work on their PC. They don't even care what was used to develop the program. There is no extra hardware involved. If they already use NI hardware, chances are they already have a profile.


My users don't need a NI profile and don't need the follow-up phone call or e-mail from NI, etc.


Typical phone exchange yesterday:


me: "just click my installer and install the program"

him: "OK, done."

me: "now run it."

him: "OK, ...... error about 2013 run-time engine".

me: "OK, install the run-time engine using the link I sent you in the same e-mail".

him: "clicking the link to go to the run time engine page....

        (..30 second discussion to decide between downloader and direct download...)"

him: "click..(wait for it!)... .it wants me to register..."

me: "OK, let's forget about that. come down to the lab and I will do it for you."


End result: more delays (it was late Friday and I was ready to leave), more work for me, more hassle.


While gazillions (:D) of registered users sounds good on paper for NI, these are false numbers because many profiles are one-time use and quickly forgotten.


I think downloading a run-time engine should NOT require a NI profile. Maybe it should still offer to log in or create a profile, but there should also be a bail-out option similar to "[] I don't want to register at this time, just download the run-time!".



Note that even better long term solutions have been proposed, but this idea could be implemented quickly and does not even need to involve any LabVIEW developers. 😄

Currently if you right click on a subVI from the block diagram and choose properties, it brings up the Object Properties dialog.  The only options you can change there are label options, which can easily be changed in the "Visible Items" submenu.  I can't think of one time when this has ever been what I wanted out of this action.  Instead, I think this action should open up the VI Properties Window for the VI.  



The size of the Close Reference VI makes it impossible to draw a proper block diagram.



It is too big!  It does not match with the Property Node vi.


Therefore I would propose: --> Make the Close Reference VI smaller!


When a 1 Dimensional array of any type is showing only a single element, LabVIEW forces a horizontal scrollbar. I couldn't find any documentation or reasoning behind it. It's really annoying and ruins UI design that Vertical is the normal scrolling direction for just about everything else ever and LV messes that up for some seemingly arbitrary reason.

See the picture below for an example of (what I consider to be) a frustrating "feature".

Why delete the elements? Keep the elements and the element style types as is, just convert my cluster to the new style type.

Arrays also do this, but since we tend to spend more time designing clusters, it's far more frustrating than arrays.





My idea is to have LabVIEW cease and desist it's self-important modal behavior.  Not that I think LabVIEW is anything other than the most important application I run, but I don't think it should force its (many windows') way to the front of the line when I shift focus to a LabVIEW window.  I didn't find any other idea that matched this, but there is this discussion that covers the notion well.


An example case:  When chasing efficiency I frequently have Task Manager open to observe CPU usage when I change front panel controls.  I'll run the .vi and load Task Manager, but when I click on a front panel control ALL the LabVIEW windows come to the front and cover Task Manager:Modal.png


So, my suggestion is to have only the selected LabVIEW window come to the front.  I get the impression that Ctrl-Tab and Ctrl-e behavior are why LabVIEW controls its own window z-placement, but leaving their function out of it, my suggestion is just to change the modal behavior of LabVIEW windows.

I would like the ability to probe the loop iteration terminal ("i" in For and While Loops) without the need to wire it to something (indicator, edge of structure,...).


If you have a multicolumn listbox with column headers and you want to delete one of the columns you can right-click on the column and select delete column, but if there are no items in that column LabVIEW will not actually do anything(!):


This also applies to empty rows with headers. This is non-intuitive and makes it cumbersome to remove a header and keep the width/height of the ones you want to keep...

Seems to me 75% of the time when I create a local variable, I need to read it, not write to it.  Seems like that would be a time saver...

It would be nice, if the different kind of LabVIEW windows would have slighty different icons within the windows taskbar. It would be easier to quickly identify BD / FP / project / Ctrl / etc. windows in the taskbar.


This suggestion has also been made at

Here you can find two suggestions for FP & BD-icons.

I spent a good chunk of time yesterday trying to find out why I was getting a Wires Under Objects VI Analyzer failure, and after much paring down of code and fiddling with wires it turned out to be a hidden event data node that was running over a wire.  Below is a simple reproducing example; the second image is identical to the first, except that the event node has been hidden (but not moved).  Both of the images below fail the Wires Under Objects test, and my argument is that the one on the right should not fail that test.


Event node visibleEvent node visibleEvent node hiddenEvent node hidden

The point of the feature "hide the event data node" is so that I, as a LabVIEW developer, no longer have to worry about it cluttering my block diagram and it running into/over other items.  However, hiding it ultimately results in me still worrying about where it is hidden because it running into/over other items still turns out to matter when I run static code analysis. From this POV, this is a bug, and the VI analyzer test shouldn't fail.


This POV is also consistent with the way that hiding for/while loop iteration terminals operates.  In the images below (again, the second image is identical to the first, where the iteration terminal has been hidden but not moved), ONLY the left image fails the same VI Analyzer test, and this is the behavior I'd like to see with the hidden event node:


While with node.pngWhile no node.png

There seem to me to be a couple of choke points in right-click access to VIs and functions.  One is that I frequently need to use the same VI's repeatedly.  Another is that the quite useful "insert" and "replace" context items only offer a few first-tier options: one or two related palettes, or all palettes.  Try to insert a few datalog functions for example, and you have to navigate down 6 levels for each. It's even worse if you have to use "select a VI..." and browse to it. For the worst cases, insert and replace lose their advantage over copy-paste or quick drop.


 I propose a dynamically generated palette consisting of the last several VIs and functions (even controls) that have been dropped.  This is analogous to recent-commands-list functionalities common in CAD packages.


- As a member of the functions palette, the items in it are at or above the level they are in their normal place in the hierarchy.

- Since it's a palette you could pin it and it would be handy for dropping the same node on two different block diagrams



