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OPC UA deployment licenses should be version agnostic

Status: New

Having sold applications that use functionality from the OPC UA Toolkit we run into an issue if we upgrade our LabVIEW version and continue to develop those applications beceause the OPC UA deployment license will then stop working if we upgrade the software we have delivered to them to one developed in a newer version. So, even though the customer has an OPC UA deployment license and we have an updated developer license it is not enough because the deployment licenses have to be updated as well (and it does not help that deployment licenses are not something we can bunde with the upgrade of the software either). From what I understand new deployment licenses will not actually cost anything, they are provided by NI as long as you already had a deplyment license for the previous version - but the logistics of this is a nightmare for us. Instead of just delivering a new installer with an updated version of our software we have to get involved in upgrading the dpeloyment license for all of their systems each time we have gone to a new version of LabVIEW.