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Allow "Find All Instances" on a password-protected VI

Status: New

Right-clicking the icon on the front panel of most VIs displays a pop-up menu with a "Find All Instances" of that subVI on the block diagrams of other VIs. However, if the VI is password-protected the pop-up menu is displayed. The password may not even be known by the developer.

Knight of NI

It's not the pw protection status, all locked VIs (incl. pw protected) lack this ability.


And there are ideas to allow Find All Instances on locked VIs:

(sub)VI-Icon: make "Find All Instances" also available when VI is locked (Read-only) - NI Community


and it's duplicate:

Allow "Find All Instances" on a locked VI - NI Community


So, great idea, kudo the first one.

Knight of NI

Btw. my workaround is to drop the VI (running or locked) in a new VI and right click the sub VI. In that menu, Find All Instances is available.


> It's not the pw protection status, all locked VIs (incl. pw protected) lack this ability.


Thanks for pointing that out.


> And there are ideas to allow Find All Instances on locked VIs:


Saw them but did not realize the correlation.


> (sub)VI-Icon: make "Find All Instances" also available when VI is locked (Read-only) - NI Community

> So, great idea, kudo the first one.


Which says "Status: Completed | Now available in LabVIEW 2023 Q3" so can someone with that version installed verify Find All Instances works on a password-protected file, please?

Active Participant

I can confirm that this is implemented in 2023 Q3, which is nice to see.