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Marc Blumentritt

Allow the creation of "Inplace"-VIs

Status: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 4 kudos within 4 years after posting will be automatically declined.

I give an example to explain what I mean:

1.) Create a big array, eg 200x 200 x 200 3D-Array.

2.) Create a sub-VI with a 3D-Array input and output. Inside the VI, use the replace element function to replace one elemente of your choice.

3.) Connect the big array with your sub-VI and check the timing.

With LV8.5 I get about 200 ms for running the sub-VI. Checking the replace element function gets delta t of 0 ms! It looks like, that the output of the sub-VI has to allocate new memory for the array, even if I do not change the size of the array.


It would be cool, if I could create sub-VIs, which reuse pre-allocated memory for the inputs and outputs, therefore allowing a similiar effect as the inplace structure. As of how to configure this in LabVIEW you can be creative 😉 Perhaps do this with the conector pane.




AristosQueue (NI)
NI Employee (retired)
Please post the VI you used to test this so I can be sure exactly which problem you're referring to before I comment further.
Knight of NI

0ms (vs. slow) on very large data structures typically indicates constant folding. I agree that you need to show your VIs and test setup. How many times did you run it?


Make sure you display constant folding and buffer allocations to get a better idea what's happening.

Trusted Enthusiast

Regardless of whether Marc correctly benchmarked, I agree and would like to see an "Inline" execution priority, as originally proposed by Mads.


To ensure you did not constant fold, hook up a control to one or more of the Initialize Array inputs, and set its value to 200.


One more thing... could you run a benchmark passing a data reference into the subVI? I have not yet done any benchmarking passing by reference rather than by value in LabVIEW 2009. This seems like a viable solution to slow execution due to unnecessary buffer allocation.

Message Edited by mechelecengr on 08-18-2009 12:33 PM
Marc Blumentritt

For reasons unknown I cannot upload images to the forum at my work (certainly some firewall problem!?). I will try to upload my screenshots from home.

Proven Zealot

Did you have the FP of the sub-vi open when testing?


I just reproduced this and say that with the FP open, the data copying for the CONTROLS on the FP create a delay with the Sub-VI but if you close the FP I get 0ms for each version.


Sub-Vi Hidden :  Replace Primitive = 0ms, Sub-VI = 0ms

Sub-VI Shown : Replace Primitive = 0ms, Sub-Vi = 43ms


Visible Controls duplicate memory space.  Close any unnecessary FPs and LV should in-line for you.

Marc Blumentritt

Yes, I realized this, too, when I rechecked my numbers. I forgot to close the FP and got 200ms. But with closed FP I still get around 60 ms for the sub-VI running. I did a finer check of my timing by getting a timer millisecond value after each step. The 60 ms result on my PC with "stepping" into the Sub-VI (I will later upload the images). I think this is the sub-VI overhead described in Mads idea. Perhaps the automatic background "inlining" described there is the best solution for this problem?

Proven Zealot
I still can't reproduce your timing anomalies.  A single VI call should not create more overhead that a few microseconds.  Painful for a routine called millions of times to do simple tasks, but certainly not timeable with a 1ms resolution.  Anything else is data copying.  Please post the VI.
Knight of NI
I would probably recommend to take this discussion over to the LabVIEW board. The Idea area is not very suitable for detailed technical discussions.
Marc Blumentritt

OK, moved to the LabVIEW Board. Please come back, if you want to give kudos 😉

Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 4 kudos within 4 years after posting will be automatically declined.