I would say only if this is an option you could turn off, and that it would be off by default. For me, once the case structure is dropped, one of the first activities is to wire up the selector. Only later as I add cases or place more code into some cases do I need to re-size the case structure. At that point, I don't want the selector moving automatically because I don't want it to move the wires leading up to it.
I don't have a need for the case selector to always be in the middle. I will place it towards the top, middle, or bottom depending on where the code is that becomes the source of the selector. If I have a calculation or boolean comparison high in a loop, generally above the case structure, then I keep the selector high. If the source is kind of low in the loop, then I keep the selector low on the structure.
In fact, most VIs that use a case structure for error code clusters have the selection at the very bottom of the structure since errors typically chain across the bottom.
I actually agree with Ravens and Aristos. I Kudoed this idea out of principle (the principle that sometimes things get shifted around when resizing structures, such as my Quirky Labels post and smercurio's While Loop post), and not from carefully reading the post. If the case selector is doing funny things when the structure is resized, then Kudos, but after playing with it I don't think anything fishy is going on.
Message Edited by JackDunaway (mechelecengr) on 09-08-2009 12:59 PM
I suggested it for ther mere uniformity it will generate. I am not particularly wanting the case selector to be at the centre but anywhere with the justified position will be just fine.
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