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Default Label Position different for indicator and command

Status: Duplicate
Currently, it's possible to choose a unique default label position in settings of lavbiew.
All LabVIEW developpers day by day, for each elements, select labels and put it to left for a control or to right for a indicator ... 
It will be great if it will be possible to choose a default label position for indicators and a differente one for controls. 
So, when an element (indicator or control) will be added on the front panel. In the Block Diagram, the label will be at the right place !!!!!
Current Version of Block Diagram settings in LabVIEW
Great Version of Block Diagram settings in LabVIEW (next version)
Trusted Enthusiast

Indeed ! I Sorry to make a redundant suggestion and can't del it ...

Knight of NI

Though you have to admit they didn't bring cats and dogs into the picture.

Status changed to: Duplicate
Active Participant

Kudoed and high-fived for the awsome screen shots!


The duplicate idea linked above is listed as "In Beta" Smiley Happy


This idea should be used in general as a reference on how to post an AWSOME idea...