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Drop control as control or indicator based on drop location

Status: Declined

Any idea that has not received any kudos within a year after posting will be automatically declined. 

When I'm writing sub-vi's and dropping controls and indicators on the front panel, I nearly always will drop the things that will be controls on the left and indicators on the right side of the front panel. It would handy if LabVIEW followed the same convention and by default set all controls dropped in the left half of the front panel to be controls and all controls dropped on the right to be indicators. It would still allow you to change between the two in the current fashion, just the default would be determined by the drop location, rather than any intrinsic property of the control.

Gavin Burnell
Condensed Matter Physics Group, University of Leeds, UK
1 Comment
Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has not received any kudos within a year after posting will be automatically declined.