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Error Terminal Options on DVR IPE Ref/De-ref

I find myself going throught the same mouse stokes over and over to make sure I don't leave DVR IPE errors unhandled.  Lots of Merge Errors everywhere. It seems unessecarily tedious.  My suggestion would be to do one or more of the following


1. An error terminal on the front of the De-ref and Ref icons that performs a merge error

2. A conditional error terminal that halts execution of the whole IPE for incomming errors

3. A conditonal DVR terminal on the De-ref that does not execute the IPE if a 1556 Error is thrown by the incoming DVR.   Also would just pass one 1556 error out of the IPE since they are always both thrown with a bad DVR.


IPM Error Terminals.png

Chris Bakker
SET Americas

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Probably also worth pointing out here that the error at the DVR Write node is just a duplicate of that at the DVR Read... so you can safely wire just one of them and be done with it.


I first learned of that useful fact here. For some reason it is still not documented anywhere obvious. Can we get a CAR for that?

Proven Zealot