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Give ALL controls the required color properties for its need

Status: New

My software is used in microscopy, and the screen brightness can be annoying for people looking into the microscope. Nowadays, all microscopy has a range of dark colour schemes, to suit the user, to either work in complete darkness, or just low-light situations.      


I want to be able to do the same, i.e. make custom color schemes.   The system color schemes don't quite satisfy, so I really want to do this programmatically.


For most controls, i can nicely change all colors using the property nodes.  But strangely enough, some controls simply don't give the option, even though you can do it manually.  The color options seem to be very inconsistent in this respect...


For example, the numeric Knob or Dial are perfect.  You can set the color of the knob, as well as the color of the ticks, the text, etc.   Similar for a slider, where every little detail can be set.


But strangely enough, the normal numeric (digital) lacks the option to set the color of increment/decrement button.  However, can set those colors manually.   The menu ring however, doesn't seem to have any way to change the color.


That doesn't make senso to me....   Why give the option to set all the colors of some controls, and then not have that option available on other controls?  


My request is to make sure that ALL controls have the color properties you need to color them programmatically.  The Knob and Slider are nice examples where it is done very well. 

1 Comment
Knight of NI

Similar idea: Front Panel Color Schemes or skins

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