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Make Unflatten From XML create any Variant

Status: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 2 kudos within 2 years after posting will be automatically declined.

When using the Unflatten From XML primitive to unflatten a Variant, the type input must be a Variant of the same type as the flattened data.


It would be very helpful if it was possible to just pass any Variant as type, and the output Variant would always be the type in the data.


I know there might be many technical reasons for this to be almost impossible to implement, but as shown in the diagram it could be very nice to have for automation.


Unflatten From XML Suggestion

NOTE: Executing the shown code actually freezes LabVIEW.


How lazy can you get? Can somebody please set status to "Bad".


The easy solution is (of cause):


Unflatten From XML Solution


I even think it will execute faster than the suggested idea could.


So in fact the idea is only worth something if it also can outperform the above solution...

Trusted Enthusiast

"I even think it will execute faster than the suggested idea could."


I would be careful making statements like this. Do some research into overhead, memory copies, and reasons to avoid Get/Set Control Values. There are much, much faster methods of passing data around (that are still "generic" and flattened), and you may conclude on an architecture that does not rely on those nodes.

Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 2 kudos within 2 years after posting will be automatically declined.