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Make "New" mean something

Status: New

 I believe the number and age of "New" ideas on this exchange renders the word meaningless. I just Kudoed an idea that was 13 years old and marked as "Status: New". This idea would be in middle school; that doesn't sound particularly new. Inaction on an idea after some amount of time should automatically trigger some other status. 


I think the perspective of New was synonymous with Pending or Unimplemented; perhaps simply giving it a more appropriate name would be better than the more complicated effort to make New mean something.

Knight of NI

We've been over this quite a few times...


Of course, I can't find any of these threads.


General (not mine per se) conclusion is that (it IS a bit silly but) changing "new" to "pending" wouldn't make any difference.


Changing the status after time doesn't make much difference either. You can sort on date...