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NI Data Dashboard: make controls able to be linked to poll-webservices

Status: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 2 kudos within 2 years after posting will be automatically declined.

In the data dashboard I continously call a webservice (poll webservice) whose return values can be linked to indicatorson the dashboard.<br>Even in case the selected webservice supports parameters too, it would be nice to link these to controls on the dashboard.

This seems like a simple feature, so I want to give some background why it wasn't included in Data Dashboard initially. The development team was concerned about the initial values that are sent to the web method when you start running your dashboard. You can't change control values until after you start running, which means some undefined or default values would be sent to the web method. We were concerned that this could have unintended side effects and didn't have time to implement a good solution.


That said, there are plenty of ways this problem could be solved. Data Dashboard could give you a way to set default values on controls. Or Data Dashboard could wait to start polling until the user takes some action (flip a switch/press a button). If you like one of these ideas or have other ways you'd like to set initial values, let us know!



setting default values for controls would be an additional nice thing I'm missing.

Also enabling/disabling polling would be helpful.


Some other things:

When calling a webservice, you can select the controls to take the parameters from.

It would be nice to select the same control as parameter for multiple webservice-calls:


control "a"

control "b"

indicator "c"


Button "add" calls a webservice returning 'a+b' displayed in "c"

Button "subtract" calls a webservice returning 'a-b' (maybe also displayed in "c")



also calling a webservice based on "value-change" would be nice, for example call a webservice directly after a slider has been changed by the user.

Currently first the slider has to be changed, and then a Call-Button linked to the webservice has to be pressed.


Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has received less than 2 kudos within 2 years after posting will be automatically declined.