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Rain Flow Analysis in LabView

Status: Declined
Functionality already in LabVIEW

I really wish labview had a rainflow analysis algorithm in one of its tookits. Rainflow analysis algorithms are very useful for analyzing lots of data taken during structural test monitoring. A real-time version would be nice too.





taken from

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Active Participant

So apparently labview has this, it simply isnt an official labview product. I wish it had a lot more documentation on it but it is still very cool.


 Its called Labview Fatigue Analysis
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Trusted Enthusiast
Thanks for posting back the solution! Would it be OK for Todd to mark this Idea Complete?
Active Participant

I would rather not until its a better (more detailed) documentation and more examples. For instance I am still trying to figure out how to analyze data continuously rather than analyze a given set of points and then start from scratch on the next iteration of the loop. The library needs an example that does this. Until I figure out how to do continuous fatigue analysis with this library I would say its definitely not complete. 


I would really like to be able to record rainflow analysis data on a cRIO instead of continuous waveforms, but i need to be able to analyze hours and record an hours worth of analysis data easily during long term monitoring tests, rather than mere seconds.

Message Edited by rex1030 on 05-28-2010 03:45 PM
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Active Participant

Now the idea can be marked as finished. (Unless you want to clear up the documentation or make an example)

I contacted Lai Wei with my question about continuous rainflow analysis and I wanted to Share his answer with you.

He said:

For your questions, rainflow analysis VI in the library can automatically accumulate analysis result by using internal shift register. To perform continuous analysis, you just need to continuously feed measured data to the analysis VI. After one hour, for example, you would store the analysis matrix. Before starting the next one hour measure, you need to re-initialize the analysis VI to empty accumulated analysis result, which has been stored.

Each analysis VI has an input for initialization, as following figure



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NI Employee (retired)
Status changed to: Declined
Functionality already in LabVIEW