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Select multiple results in Find Project Items

Status: New

There are a lot of ideas about improving the navigation of the Find Project Items window, but I could not find this one.  When I search for a project item and get a list of matching results, it would save a lot of time if I could select the ones I want, GoTo all of them at one, then open them all simultaneously from the project window.  Opening multiple items has been around for a very long time.



1. Select first result

2. Go to item in project window

3. Open item

4. Edit item

5. Save item

6. Close item

7. Go find results window

8. Select second item

9 Repeat 2 thru 7 again and again


This would take about 70 steps for 10 items


New idea:

1. Select all results

2. Go to all results in project window

3. Open all items at once

4. Edit item

5. Save item

6. Close Item

7 . Repeat 4 thru 6 for all items


Under 35 steps for 10 items.

Find Multipe Items

Michael Munroe, CLD, CTD, MCP
Automate 1M+ VI Search, Sort and Edit operations with Property Inspector 5.0, now with a new Interactive Window Manager!
Now supports full project automation using one-click custom macros or CLI.