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Settings option for known passwords

Status: Declined

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When working with VI hierarchies with several different passwords, editing can be a real pain in the derriere.


Even double clicking on an icon to chenge it only works AFTER you have entered apassword and I find myself trying first to edit, then realising I haven't entered the password yet and having to click, click, click and enter the password.  This gets really tedious when it's happening multiple times every day.


How about an option to create password lists which can be unlocked automatically using a master password within the LV IDE.  I currently have written a small VI which adds the passwords required to my IDE when starting (I launch the VI which launches LV and then adds the passwords and exits, leaving LV open with the passwords in cache).


Problem is when I double-click on a project from explorer and LV previously wasn't open, then I don't have the passwords entered and I land in the trap mentioned earlier.  Things wouldn't be so bad if LV wouldn't crash so often i.e. the IDE would just stay open the whole day.


So instead of just having an option to clear the password cache in the IDE, give us also the option to pre-set some passwords please.  For security reasons (blind hacking attempts) we could limit the number of passwords to 32 or something.



1 Comment
Proven Zealot
Status changed to: Declined

Any idea that has not received any kudos within a year after posting will be automatically declined.